Chapter 5

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    "Spellman High school" I replied.
"Oh! I go there too! What grade are you in?"
"I'm a Freshman" I said while trying to figure out why a guy like that is actually talking to me.
"Sophomore" he replied. "Wait. Are you in algebra 2 fifth period?" He asked.
"With Mrs. Stunder 5 block? Yeah, I am. Wait, how did you know that?" I asked , confused.
"Because I am in your class!" he said excitedly.
"Well, that's great. Now I know that at least one person in that class who doesn't hate me," I replied sarcastically.
"Why would anybody hate you?" he asked, looking worried.
"HELLO? Look at me" I said trying to keep calm.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked me while grinning at me.
"I am a four eyed, overly tall acne covered girl! I can't blame them for not wanting to be friends with me!" I snapped.
"Don't you dare tell me you just said that. Is that what you really think?" He said.
"Well, yeah. It is. And it's true, I don't like myself either that much," I said sighing quietly.

We both suddenly got quiet. Unable to take it anymore, I asked him what I wanted to ask anyway.
"Wait if you are sophomore, then why are you here in the hospital with me?"
"Don't change the subject. We were talking about you," he replied seriously.
"Answer the goddamned question," I said.
"I told you already that I am keeping you company. I volunteer here in the hospital and help by comforting and just talking to patients. I am also in this program for people that want to become nurses," he answered

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