Happiness Fades Away

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The next day, all the boys were present yet again, but this time the whole group looked a lot worse. Yoongi was still in pain from his hand, Namjoon's eyes were still red and puffy, while Jin looked sleep deprived from staying up with the younger, Jungkook didn't bother covering his bruises and cuts, and Hoseok and Jimin both lost the gleam in their eyes. This day, everybody showed exactly what their troubles were.

"Alright kids, you all know how this is going to go. Today's letter is addressed to Jungkook," The officer from the day before announced as he walked in. In his hand was yet again, another letter. This time all the boys knew what to expect. They all knew what needed to be prepared for. Jungkook breathed in and held his breath.

"Kookie... where do I begin with your mistakes? You lead people on and then make out with someone else! You caused all of my happiness to fade away! I just wanted to be loved Kookie, you knew that. I wish you would've told me that I wasn't important before I got attached to you. Instead, at that stupid fucking party, we were dancing, having the time of our life, and then we sat down for a little bit. I went to go get us some drinks from the kitchen, and when I came back, you were making out with Jimin! Jimin, of all fucking people!

Of course you would fall for his fucking playboy looks, nice ass and charming personality! But you hurt two people in doing so! Jimin was playing you, and Yoongi! Just like you played me. I thought you actually cared about me! I was so pissed at you that I convinced Yoongi to beat you up!! If you hadn't stole Jimin then you wouldn't be beat everytime Yoongi thinks of you too!! You were supposed to love me, but instead you proved that nobody could ever love Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook cried into his hands, and Jimin looked at Yoongi bewildered.

"Is it true?" Jimin whispered, "have you seriously been upset about that one kiss?"

"Jimin, it was more than a fucking kiss and you know it! I had told you that I loved you and you turned around and made out with Jungkook! I confessed to you!! And you rejected me by using Jungkook!" Yoongi retorted heatedly, and Jungkook's cries only got louder.

"I-I'm so sorry! J-jimin and y-y-Yoongi, I-it really was my f-fault. I-i told Jimin that I-if he helped me m-make T-Tae jealous I-I would help him p-pick out a ring to help him p-propose. I-I didn't think about h-how it w-would look. I-I'm sorry. I-I just wanted Tae to tell me that he loved me," Jungkook apologized through the tears and Jin hugged him close and rubbed his back gently, while glaring at the other members. Unfortunately for them, the letter continued.

"Sometimes I sit down and wonder how different these recent times would be if only I hadn't fallen in love with you. My heart wouldn't hurt, your bruises might be nonexistent, and jimin and Yoongi might've still been together. I regret ever falling in love... you know that quote that says that it's better to have loved and been hurt than to never love and never hurt? They were fucking wrong and this is the proof right here! This huge fucking disaster... I hope you're produced if yourself, Jungkook. You broke my heart, and made me realize how undesirable I truly am."

As the note left off on the bitter goodbye, Jungkook was now reduced to muffled, but yet still haunted cries. It was as if these cries would help him feel all the pain that he caused Taehyung. Jin continued to comfort the broken boy as the other members glanced around silently. No one wanted to make Jungkook cry anymore but they were livid that he came between not only his relationship but also Jimin and Yoongi's.

"I'm done with this bullshit!" Yoongi stood up with so much force the chair almost flipped. He stormed over to Jimin and grabbed the younger, roughly lifting him out of the chair before smashing Jimin's lips to his own. This intimate abuse lasted for several minutes until the officer cleared his throat. The two boys pulled away, sharing the same heavy panting style breaths.

"Alright, since you two are finally done confessing to each other, I'll separate you guys again tonight. Jin, could you take Jungkook, and Namjoon tonight?" He continued after Jin nodded in response, "Jimin and Hoseok, hotel again. Yoongi, if you can handle your anger tonight, you can stay with Jimin and Hoseok. But remember that if you mess up, you're back in here with me."  Yoongi and Jimin both smiled gently at the arrangements, while Hoseok looked disgruntled by this information.

"Do we still have to call down to our helpers?" He asked the officer once the rest of the group had filed out.

"Yes, but if Yoongi hearing about it will make you uncomfortable, just go down to a conference room to talk on the phone." Hoseok nodded but still looked offput by the rooming.

"As long as it's only one night."

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