That Damn Party

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"Jin, Taehyung was right. Yoongi was right. I screwed us all up," Namjoon cried to Jin as they drove to Jin's house, "I truly am the worst friend ever. I can't believe it took Taehyung dying for me to realize it. I'm such a shitty person." His sobs filled the car and Jin couldn't help but feel even worse about this predicament.

"Joonie, Taetae flat out said that it's not all your fault! Don't blame yourself too harshly. We all played a part in this. We shouldn't be disgusted with each other anymore than ourselves. Joonie, baby, we all still love you. I still love you. You know that right?" Jin's question hung in the air, weighing down the atmosphere.

"I thought you couldn't be in love with a druggie hobo."

"Joon, I swear that was only the alcohol speaking. I love you more than life itself. You know I can not live seeing you beat yourself up over this."

"Maybe you should Jin. Maybe that's what Taehyung wants. He wants me, and you, and all of us to suffer just as much as he did!" Namjoon voiced exactly what Jin had been thinking this whole time but didn't want to say. This was obviously set up to make them miserable for the rest of their lives.

After parking the car in his driveway, Jin turned to the other and turned his face towards him. He wiped off Joon's tears and gently kissed his cheek before whispering softly.

"You're no monster to me. And as long as we're together, I will never be completely miserable."


Jimin and Hoseok went to the same crappy hotel, not too far from the station. They were exhausted, physically and mentally from the day's activities. Trudging up to the dingy room, Jimin pulled out his phone and FaceTimed his assistant. Both him and Hoseok knew that if they didn't call the facility first, they would be receiving a call later that night. Eventually, while Hoseok was struggling to unlock the door, the call was answered.

"You stupid fucking bitch," Hoseok grunted at the lock but his helper didn't realize that.

"Hobi, is that really how we're going to start this out? Cursing and slandering?" The disappointment was evident, but Jimin only giggled.

"No, mister... hobi is just trying to get our hotel door to open and is having troubles!" Jimin apologized and finally, the door swung open as well!

"Yay! Good job Hobi!! He got the door open mister!" Jimin exclaimed, ecstatic for his older friend's achievement. He handed the phone to Hoseok, and ran to plop down on the bed by the window.

Hoseok smiled timidly at the phone screen, the depression etched into his smile.

"Hey Hobi! How was your day?" His assistant's calm voice helped put his heart at ease slightly. Unfortunately, not enough.

"I-I was doing fine and then we got there and were told that the reason we were there was because we all had a part to do with Taetae's death. We read Namjoon's out loud today, and it made my cry so much! I-I don't think I can handle when we read mine. I messed up so badly, sir! I-I can't believe that I'm such a horrible person! I didn't even realize Taehyung needed help as well!" Hobi started crying to his assistant.

"Hobi, from what you've told me, no one knew Taehyung was upset. Do not make this one out to be all your fault. You are only human Hobi, remember that." Hobi could only nod at Justin's words. He knew he had a fault in this. It was his fault.

"Hobi. I want you to list 5 things that you are happy about," Justin tried to coax Hobi into a happier state of mind.

"U-um i... am not the only person to blame... I-I get to sleep in a bed with good pillows tonight," this comment made Jimin giggle, "I can go shopping for a little bit while I'm here, I'm still friends with Jimin, a-and... I have you to talk to when things get bad!" By the end of his list, Hoseok was already smiling a bit brighter.

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