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The palm trees swayed in the distance, the breeze lifting Addilyn's brown, curly hair. A strong force hit her in the side, exploding, then soaking her.
She gasped. It was so cold. She threw the purple balloon at the boy running away from her.

It hit him square in the back. She laughed as she got hit with yet, another water balloon. He ran towards her and picked her up.

All while she was still laughing, he threw her into the pool. She returned to the surface. She swam to the edge of the pool where Shawn was and stood up. She glared at him. 

He shrugged as if he were innocent. "What'd I do?"

Addilyn pushed him into the pool and jumped in herself. It was the best thing a ten-year-old could think of.

As they swam to the ledge of the pool, Shawn splashed water repeatedly at Addilyn. She sat down next to Shawn.

"You're the sister I never had," He said. Addilyn's smile dropped.

"Yeah," was all she said. 'I knew it,' she thought. 'He's never going to like me.'

She sighed quietly as they watched the sunset go down. Enjoying their child hood. Not knowing what was lying ahead of them.

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