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"Chug! Chug! Chug!" I hear the crowd roar, but it's not for me, its for that dumb jock chugging from the keg while being held upside down.

He's bound to puke any second now. "Amateur." I take a swig from my cup.

"Oh and you could do better?" I almost jump to the other side of the couch. When I turn to see who it is that almost gave me a heart attack, I understand why I was so creeped. It's the same guy that I saw in the hall on Monday. Man I was hoping not to see him for the rest of the year.

"Fucking Christ, ever thought about auditioning for a horror movie?" I take another sip.

"Never really been into acting." He takes a seat next to me. I scoot over to the other side of the couch to get away but it's no use. "So, what's up, new guy? Trying to pull the lone wolf rep already?"

"What?" Why is he even talking to me?

"You know, the bad boy of the town. Breaks the rules, does illegal stuff like drugs then the lone-wolf-" I'm quick to cut this creep off.

"Woah, hold up." I lift my hand to stop him. "First of all, you don't even know me. Second of all who the hell are you, and third why are you here?"

He lets out a chuckle then takes my cup out of my hand. I try not to think about how good it would feel to punch this guy in the face.

"Let's see...you're Manuel Phoenix's son, Christopher Phoenix. I kind of look up to him as a businessman. You moved here from California, basically the talk of the town, and I'm Jack Waters, your school president. Oh, and I live here." He gives me a toothy grin then chugs the rest of my drink down.

"You live here?" I ignore the creepy fact that he knows my dad and where I came from.

"Yes-sir-ree." I can't tell if he's joking or not.

If he lives here, then why does he sound different from everybody else?

"So...what's up with your accent?"

"Oh yeah, I moved here when I was just a pre-teen. I'm originally from NewYork." He says proudly.

Well that makes since.

Wait, that means that he's related to Diana.

But they look noting alike?

"Diana's your sister?"

"Ah, step sister." He emphasizes the "step" then continues. "But sadly, yes. She's a real pain though. She never shuts up, is always complaining about everything and guys are all over her like she's the last slice of pizza. I'll never understand it." He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Hm." Is all I can think to say right now.

Never would've imagined that they were related. They barely talk to one another at school.

He looks over at me and gives me a suspicious look. "You're not into her, are you?"

"Nah, not my type." I lay my head back on the couch and let out a sigh. Innocent Blondes are more my type. They're easier to get.

"So tell me," He pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "How are you liking Maryland so far?" He points the box towards me with one eyebrow lifted asking if I'd like one. I grab one out of the pack and get out my light. He seems kind of alright. Still a creep though.

"It's boring as hell, this town is full of shitheads and I'm beyond creeped out by this girl on the bridge next to my house. She's there every single day." I take a long drag.

"Oh you must be talking about Emma Evans." He says with no hesitation.

"Emma Evans?" He knows her?

"Yeah she's been visiting that old bridge for years. No one really knows why. She used to go to our school until she started ditching everyday." He shrugs and takes a drag.

"She goes to our school?" I'm actually curious now. "Why ditch just to stare at a rail all day? It makes no since." I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees.

"Beats me. She never, and I literally mean never, spoke to anyone at school. No one knows where she lives, why she's like that, or why she goes to that specific bridge. We only know her name from roll call last year." Another drag.

"Has anyone tried talking to her?" He looks at me like I'm crazy then burst out in laughter. I give him the same look and wonder what is so funny.

"You really think anyone would really talk to that psycho? She'd probably murder anyone that tries to."

Murder? Okay, now he's just being dramatic.

My mind is swirling with questions but I decide to forget about them before I get a headache. "Whatever. I'm out."

This party is lame so far and I knew I should've just left after finding out the Mary was vape.

"Leaving so soon? It's only been an hour." He watches as I put my cigarette out in my stolen cup.

"Yeah well it was the worst hour of my life." I give him a fake smile and head towards the exit.

"Say hi to Evans for me!" I hear him say while laughing. I'm sure to flip him off before I leave.

Don't think about it Chris. She's a weirdo that stares at a railing all day, it's nothing to worry about.

But why? My subconscious adds.

Maybe I could just...ask her myself?

I mean there's a chance that she might answer back, right? Yeah. If I know why she does it, it might help me feel at ease and not so creeped out.

Okay, I'm going to talk to her tonight.

I might've said that Jack was being dramatic back at the party but at this point, all I'm thinking is 'God please don't let this Emma Evans murder me'.

(Vote if you want ;)

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