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We both head outside to Jacks car. Its not like I can really call this piece of shit a car anyways. How come Diana has a fucking mustang, while he has this red bucket considered as a truck? Their parents must pick favorites.

The ride to the party is spent in silence. I spare a couple glances towards Emma in the back seat just to see what the hell she's doing. I don't know why I bothered to keep a watch on her when every time I looked back she was doing nothing. She's looking out the window, staring at the sky I'm guessing, with both her hands folded in her lap. Jack hasn't spoken the whole ride and I'm more then fucking thankful. I'm not really surprised though because he's completely terrified of Emma. It's kind of funny if you think about it.

A few minutes later we arrive and I immediately regret bringing Emma. Not because I'm scared of what people's reaction will be, I honestly couldn't give less fucks what these people think of me. But because of her face expression. The first real expression I've seen her have today and it's fear. Her nose is flared, her eyes look weary, and her skin is always pale but her face is the most pale I've ever seen it.

"Let's go!" Jack says then gets out of the car and heads across the street. I almost follow in his footsteps until Emma suddenly says my name.

"Christopher." She sits still with that damn expression still on her face. "I'm feeling something...and I don't like it." She stammers. I'm not even sure how to respond to that.

I'm guessing she waited til Jack left to tell me that. I don't see why she doesn't just let it all out and not give a shit if other people are around.

"Describe it." Is the only thing I can think to say. I want to make sure I know what it is before blurting it out.

She tears her gaze away from the window then looks at me. "I can't. I just know that I don't like it and thinking of the sky isn't helping." Her tone a little less monotone than usual and more stern.

"It's called fear."


"Yeah, it fucking sucks. You're feeling nervous right now though. It's apart of the fear." I try to make as much sense as I can.

Her nose slightly scrunches. "Why am I feeling it now?" She looks back out the window towards the house.

"Because this is your first party. Just try to ignore it, you'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" She starts to fiddle with her fingers.

"Yes! Now com'n, we're going to miss all the good shit." I lie knowing that this party will be just as lame as the last one.

"Good shit?" She questions and I laugh.

"Yeah. Good shit." I try to keep my mouth from tugging into a smile. "You can stay behind me if you want, just don't touch me."

"But what if I do?"


I can't help the images that pop up in my head. I'm too damn horny and dirty minded for this shit.

"Just don't." I ignore her question then open the door. She stays in the car and doesn't budge. I give her a well needed eye roll. "Fine. Have it your way." I say even though she can't hear me and decide to just leave her in the car, not even bothering to look back.

She's pissing me the fuck off and not even trying.

I go inside the house and see people dancing, groping and laughing like it's the best time of their lives.

Hm. Strange how alcohol can make your life seem worth it when it's actually worthless.

Maybe Emma should have a taste?

"Christopher, you made it!" Dan says coming up to hug me like we're old buddies.

I think the fuck not.

"Yeah and you smell like shit." I shrug him off because of the alcohol on his breathe but he doesn't notice and keeps talking.

"I thought you'd bail man. I see that you brought a friend!" His eyes focused on something behind me. I turn around and see Emma standing behind me looking straight at Dan. No hint of nervousness on her face once so ever. Her hands are by her sides not touching me. Good. "I'm liking the school girl costume. It's like who gives a shit if it's not halloween, right?" He laughs.

She doesn't laugh along and remains silent. No surprise there.

"Anyways. I'm Dan, the host of this party. What's your name?" Is he flirting? What happened to him being gay?

Fuck this.

"Where's the keg?" I interrupt him. His attention is back on me.


I'm already headed there before he says anything else because I'm not in the mood for hearing his lame ass attempt at flirting. Emma is close behind me in my footsteps. Before I can even tell her to back up, someone bumps into me.

"Oh, sorry! Ugh Im so clumsy." The girls voice is timid as she apologizes. I'm about to tell her to watch where she's going until I see her face. It's very interesting. The good kind. I then look down at the rest of her body.


She's wearing a red skin tight dress with simple sandals to match. I go back up and she puts a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her ear.

"Its all good. Are you alright?" I pretend to be concerned.

"Um, yes." She smiles then crosses her arms right under her breast which pushes them up.

I lick my lips. "So, what's your name?"


"Allison. I like it." I lean forward to secretly get a better view of her. "I'm Christopher, but you can call me Chris."

She opens her mouth but then looks behind me and closes it.


"I was looking for the keg, if you don't mind helping me look for it? We can...get to know each other. You can tell me a little about yourself on the way?" I take a quick glance behind me and notice that Emma's not paying attention to our conversation but watching everyone dance to the music in the living room. Good. I can try to lose her. I quickly take Allison by her lower back and go look for the kitchen, leaving Emma behind.

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