Chapter 28

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I am obsessed with the song above. I can't stop listening to it. Listen to it as you are reading this chapter.





Trinitee: Um...hi? Why did you pull me in here.

Jonah: I need to tell you something.

Trinitee: Ok...?

Jonah: Trinitee, I like you. I don't know if you like me but-

I cut him off with a kiss. He deepened the kiss and it turned into a heated make out. There was a knock at the door and we pulled away gasping for air.

Jonah: Holy shit.

He said out of breath.

Zach: Um... guys, I would like to use the restroom of you're done in there.

I opened the door and saw the others standing outside of it. My cheeks turned bright red. Kimber grabbed my arm and pulled me off to the side.

Kimber: What were you two doing in there?

Trinitee: I...I...Um...he told me he liked I kissed him...and um...

Kimber: Please please please be careful Trinitee. As much as we all love him he can be dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt.

She looked down and I grabbed her arm.

Trinitee: There is no need to worry about me. I will be fine. If he hurts me I will beat his ass don't worry.

Kimber: Ok.

Trinitee: Come on. Let's head back to the others.

We walked back over to the group and Zach walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't find Jonah and Jack. I'm guessing they went to talk somewhere or something like that. A few moments later we heard the sound of shouting and something breaking. It was coming from downstairs. We ran down there and I saw Jonah holding a broken glass bottle while Jack lay on the floor bleeding. Kimber screamed and ran to Jack. The others ran down too. I stood there in shock wondering wtf was happening. The sound of someone shouting my name caused me to snap out of my daze.

Corbyn: Trinitee, call 911!!!!

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number.

Jack's POV

When Trinitee and Jonah walked out of the bathroom I knew something was up. Kimber pulled Trinitee off to the side so I decided to take the chance and talk to Jonah. We walked downstairs and sat in the kitchen.

Jonah: So...what's up?

Jack: What were you doing with Trinitee?

Jonah: None of your business.

Jack: Jonah, I'm getting worried about you bro. You seem off lately.

Jonah: It's nothing I swear.

Jack: Are you sure.

Jonah: Yes! I'm fucking sure. Just stay out of this.

Jack: Bro, calm down.

Jonah: Don't fucking tell me to calm down.

He grabbed a glass bottle and smashed it over my head. I felt blood dripping down the side of my head. The world around me faded to a blur as I passed out.

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