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Peter took my hand and we went to his place. He opened the door and a woman was there sitting on the couch.

"Hey Aunt May." Peter said as we entered. That's who Mr. Delmar was talking about. She is really pretty. Peter shut the door behind me. He took his jacket off and then he took mine off. He grabbed my suitcases and put them in the corner of the room.

"Hey Pete. Who's your friend?" She asks.

"Uh this is Gali. She is touring New York and I am her tour guide." He said with a smile. Aunt May was like analyzing me. Like she could see right through me.

"You are really pretty." Aunt May says.

"May!!" Peter said embarrassed.

"Thank you Mrs. Parker." I said with a smile.

"Please call me May." She said so nicely. She kind of reminds me of my mother. I miss her so much.

"Anyways uh, Gali and I are going to eat our sandwiches. Is it okay if we eat in my room?" He asks his aunt.

"Yea of course just make sure the door is open." She says. I started to laugh and Peter gave her look which made it funnier.

Peter starts to walk and I follow behind him. His room is nice, nicer than I thought. He a bunk bed and little dolls. How cute.

We eat our sandwiches and talked for fifteen minutes and honestly the sandwich was really good. New York food is really good. Not like I have good food back home, but his stuff is amazing.

"So Gali, where are you originally from?" Peter asks. Oh know. Where I'm from? I don't know what to say! What did Nora say it was... Canda? Conoda? Candas? Cana—


"Wow Canada. I've never been there. Is it nice?" He asks.


"Yea. My dad and I moved there not to long ago. After my mother died, my father wanted a fresh start." Hopefully that's believable.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your mother." He said. He put his hand on mine. I can actually feel what he feels. Sadness and anger. "My parents died too and my uncle. May is the only one who has been taking care of me all these years."

"It seems like you guys get along well. I know she cares about you." I said.

"How do you know?" He asks.

Shit. I used my telepathy. That is the only way I knew. I promised my father that I wouldn't use my powers.

"I have superpowers." I said jokingly. He starts laughing and sigh with relief. I looked at the time and it was one o'clock. I better call Nora.

"Um where's the bathroom?" I ask hesitantly.

"Turn left and it's the second door on the left." He said. I smile and walk to the bathroom. I call Nova and tell her everything is okay. I can't tell her about Peter because I know she'll say something to father. I know he will not appreciate that.

I went back into Peter's bedroom and we talked more. It was then ten o'clock. We didn't even notice, we were having an amazing time.

"I better get going." I said as I stood up from the floor.

"Are you sure?" He asks concerned. I nod and gave him a fake smile. Honestly, I don't want to leave. I love spending time with Peter. He's so sweet, smart, funny and cute.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked as I picked up my suitcases.

"For sure." He said with a smile. I smiled back. I don't know if we should hug or — I don't know. I wave bye to him and started to walk down the stairs.

I got to the main lobby and out the doors. It was pouring, thundering and lightning. Purple light flashes. I've never seen a storm. Is this what it looks like. I walk out into the rain. It feels so good and refreshing. I sat at a bench waiting for bus or cab. But no one showed up. I laid on the bench in the rain and tried to sleep.

I heard the door open and then shut. I open my eyes and it's Peter.

"Come on. You stay with me tonight!" He shouted in the rain. I can tell he wanted me to. "Please." He really wants me to stay. I nod my head and she starts to smile. He helps me grab my suit cases and we went inside. We were soaked.

I cleaned up a bit and May said I could sleep in her room since she's leaving for business trip. Won't be back till Saturday. So it's just me and Peter. I overheard her telling Peter the rules and that there's a list of things on the counter that he needs to do. I turned off the light and i went to bed. Her bed is honestly comfortable. I close my eyes and went to a heavy sleep.

sorry this is short, i didn't know what else to write and i'm kind of lazy. i'm sorry that this isn't good, but i promise that it'll get better :)

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