Protection Without Love

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In the beginning there were forty-seven of us. Over the past millenia we have dwindled down into the single digits of inevitable extinction. My name is Charlotte and I am one of eight angels still in existence. Hiding among this world, never revealing ourselves, and above all protecting the race of humanity.

Here are the rules of being an angel. They are rules deeply ingrained into our entire being.

1. Protect the human race

2. Never reveal yourself to the human race

3. Never stray off the path of pureness

These were our only rules for so long, but then an angel died. The first angel to ever die. We were supposedly immortal beings incapable of catching a disease, being wounded, or growing old. He was a younger angel, only around a century old and when he died a new rule was added that for once was for our own protection.

4. Never fall in love with a human

But we did. Over the years thirty-eight more of us fell prey to what humans consider so precious. Love.

The remaining eight vowed to never follow the path of our sisters and brothers. To never fall in love, but when you're an angel for so long, you become lonely, there is no one to love you but yourself and no one else for you to love. Maybe thats why I fell prey to the curse of our kind. Maybe thats why there are only seven angels left in the world to protect something we cannot love.  

 Chapter One~

        I made a sharp left and then a right. My prey was a man who had become completely consumed by his demons resulting in his murder of four humans. Special cases like these ones were handled by us. Us, being the remaining eight angels that hadnt fallen prey to love. When the small population of angels on Earth dwindled down, but the human race kept growing, our job didnt become any easier. Its safe to assume I never had time to recuperate. Not that I ever really needed to. Thankfully demons were a pretty small weak group of pathetic beings. We grouped them into three kinds. First were Leeches. They were like shadows that attached to people, making them feel fear and causing depression. The weakest of the demons they couldnt cause alot of damage but we still made sure to take care of them. Next were Killers. These demons had an actual form and can attach and unattach themselves from their hosts whenever they wished. They caused madness in humans, causing murders and usually eventual suicide. The last kind of demon, the Mockers are extremely dangerous. They take on the form of humans and they dont require hosts to live. They feed off of actual humans. You could say theyre like vampires in a way. Mixed with cannibalism. Not a pretty picture. As angels, as cliche as it sounds, its our job to protect humans from these demons. 

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