The Dream

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Soo that was a weird shapter anyway whooooooooooooooo im so happy(Dont ask) anyway on with the stoteyies.

(Le peps from school may or may not now why whooooo)

ps in this stotey Sips is single (so not married) and he lives with Sjin (So he lives in Bristol)

Also i have put out a new book i have been wanting to write called

Hybrid problems (A Yogscast fanfic)

*****Sjins home*****

*****Sjins pov*****

"So Trott what actually happened the day when you and Maddie got injured" I ask him before Maddie arrives from the hospital.

"Well um as you know me and Maddie were walking down the short cut alley and we were stopped by Martyn but this wasn't the real Martyn because he was in his shift form, he is a white wolf and he is massive, anyway it was not just Martyn because i would have been able to take just him as my shift is more powerful than his. But there were 3 more wolves, two of which grabbed Maddie, Martyn and another had hold of me and then Martyn told them to do it and then they both kicked Maddie in the stomach, i tried to help but i could not move and then Martyn grabbed hold of my head and faced me towards Maddie, he then told his pack to do it again and they continually punched Maddie un till she went unconscious and Martyn told me that he wanted me and Maddie to start the cat branch and that he would help make my decision easier, he said that if i said no then i would never see Maddie again and i didn't want that. Then all of a sudden a bear and a hare jumped out of nowhere and saved me and Maddie. Then i found out the bear was Smiffy and the hare was Grace and i told them that i would call when she wakes up and that is all i like to remember." He tells me as we get in the car and drive to the hospital.

"Well even though you could do nothing i think you are very brave in helping my Maddie and very loyal to as you stayed by her side to entire time she was sleeping so thank you Trott." I say trying to comfort him but i also meant the words i said.

*****Ten mins later*****

*****Trotts pov*****

I see Maddie standing there outside the hospital. She is slumped over, obviously she is still in pain because she doesn't usually slump.

I wait till Sjin parks and I run up to Maddie and kiss her and hug her as i am so happy that she is finally ok well better than before, she has less cuts, she used to have cuts everywhere and know she only has a few cuts on her arms.

"Hi Trott thank you for coming to meet me, but where is Sjin?" She asks

"Umm i think he is in the car still." I say as Sjin walks up behind her, giving me hand signals to not tell her that he was standing there.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She screams as Sjin picks her up and spins her around a bit.

*****Maddie's pov*****

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I scream as i feel someone pick me up and spin me round. Looking over my shoulder i see that it is Sjin that has hold of me.

"Put me dooooooown." I scream as he playfully puts me over his shoulder and carrying me to the car.

"Oh i don't think a danger such as you could be trusted to walk on your own, as you may run of and hurt someone." Sjin replys laughing as he chucks me in the back of the car.

*****Sjins house*****

*****Maddie's pov*****

"MADDIE, TROTT YOU NEED TO GO TO BED ITS GETTING LATE" I hear Sips yell up the stairs at us.

"OK SIPS NIGHT SJIN NIGHT SIPS and night Trott." I say whispering the last bit as Trott climbed into his bed on the other side of the room we shared.

"Yeah thanks for whispering that last bit, like you haven't already defend me whilst shouting night to Sips and Sjin." Is the last thing i hear before i drift of into a deep sleep.

I am running through a strange foggy forest and I don't even no why so I stop and start looking around wondering how I got here, as I have turned nearly 180 degrees I see why I was once running. Trott was running after me his eyes red and he is holding a dagger in one hand and he grabbed me round my neck with the other.

Pushing me against a tree by my neck he raises his arms...


"Shhhhhh its ok it was just a bad dream." I feel my cheek pressed up against some ones chest, i look up do see Trott through my tears.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks as i sit up and give him a hug.

"Umm yeah I was in a forest and I was running away from somthing and I stop not being able to remember why I was running, turning around I saw you behind me but your eyes were red and you were holding a dagger. The next thing I new you were holding me up to a tree by my neck and then you lifted up your arm with the dagger and then I woke up."

Ohhhhh im leaving it on a sort of cliffhanger sort of thing


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