|big news with big surprises|

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a/n: cute face claim aghhh🤤💕

a/n: cute face claim aghhh🤤💕

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Home alone was Madelynn, waiting for her boyfriend, Dean Ambrose, and her brother, Roman Reigns

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Home alone was Madelynn, waiting for her boyfriend, Dean Ambrose, and her brother, Roman Reigns. They all lived under one roof together as a family while Roman was the only single man out of the entire Shield. While she heard the front door unlocking across the hall, she felt herself come back to reality. Before the guys arrived, Madelynn took a pregnancy test and with what she least hoped for, it came back positive. As she panicked, she grabbed the nearest towel in the bathroom and wiped her the tears and the sweat that was beginning to form. she felt her hands trembling as she couldn't compose herself and needed to hide away the pregnancy test she took. Quickly, she threw it into the bin beside the toilet, as she shut the bathroom door going back into the bedroom. She cleared up the mess that she had created when discovering her & Dean were expecting. "Maddie? You home?" Dean called closing the door behind him. "Mads?" Roman calles out to his sister as he looked around the apartment.  heartbeat speeding.

The two had just got back from being on the road with the RAW roster, Monday Night RAW & two house shows. Unfortunately, Madelyn fell to one of the signs of pregnancy and asked for time off. She couldn't go on and wrestle with the chances of the nausea hitting her during a match. Maddie told Dean that she'd be ok so he made no question of it. Wind entered through the open window, making the curtains act as capes. The lounger chair was tipped onto its side in the middle of the room. Practically everything of the room was a mess. Madelynn expeditiously picked up a photo frame that she had  thrown at the wall a few hours ago, behind the broken glass was a picture of her and her baby niece, Jasmine. It was taken just over a year ago but in around eight months it would be Madelynn holding her own baby ; she wasn't ready.  She never even planned on having children while still with WWE, let alone at such a young age & so soon into her relationship and career. Furiously, she broke the remaining glass from the frame to get to the photo, shards just gracing her palms. Madelynn tore the picture into various sized pieces, letting out a needed scream while kneeled down on the pieces of glass on the floor.

"What's going on?" Dean came running in, dumping his bag by the door. He crouched onto the floor beside you, wrapping his arms around your shaking, cold, body. He buried his face into your hair and whispered, "shhh, shhh. Whatever it is we'll get through it. Ok?" He gently shook your body when you didn't respond, "Ok?". Madelynn nodded, beginning to calm down.  Dean shut the door so Roman wouldn't intrude on them. After twenty minutes or so, she pulled away from Dean's embrace, knowing it had been long enough for the both of them. "I think I had a panic attack." Madelynn confessed as Dean traced shapes with his index finger on her hands. Dean asked why, barely loud enough for only her to hear. Madelynn's eyes couldn't help but leave his and look at the open bin where the pregnancy test was. Dean saw where she was looking at as he stood and went to  over to the bin.

He pulled out the test that was poking out the top, glancing at it for less than a second before helping Madelynn back up. This was it, this is was the moment Madelynn feared the most. She never even know if Dean ever wanted a child. Sure, sometimes the topic would be graced upon but there was never a talk about it between the both of them. All was going to be revealed in seconds as Madelynn built herself up, ready for him to break things up and never see her again.

Going to his side of the bed, he grabbed his journal from the drawer. Madelynn was confused by his actions. She imagined this moment to be full of yelling and chaos but it wasn't even close to what was going on. Dean sat back down next to her and started writing something.  Madelynn thought to herself, "What the fuck is he doing?". Dean handed the journal over to Madelynn, opened to a page full of what he wrote. Written on the page was a collection of names, boys and girls. Dean smiled at Madelynn, reassuring her. "I wouldn't want to raise a child with anyone other than you..." He said, looking directly into her eyes, "You don't have to stress like this, I'm here now, you will be ok; we will be ok". With all the panicking and fear in Madelynn, she felt herself be calmed by Dean's words.  "I love you." She simpered as she looked at the journal. Dean squeezed her into a tight hug, saying, "Well that's good because I love you too. Now I think you should add to this list of names otherwise our baby is going to be called Donatello." She laughed at his joke, hitting him lightly with the journal.

"Hey, there's just one more thing though..." Dean said as Madelynn looked at him. "What is it? Wait please don't tell me your-" Madelynn began to stammer as Dean placed finger onto her lips. "Shh, it's nothing bad. It's just something I want to ask you but hold on" he said as he got up and went to his drawer once more. He scavenged through all his things before stuffing something into his pocket. Going back down to Madelynn he began, "Now, I don't want you to freak out just yet but listen, Maddie you know I love you and with all this that's happening I might as well just ask you-". Before Dean could continue any longer, Roman opened the door, holding a plate of food as his facial expression showed both exhaustion and anxiousness.

"Dude just hurry up and ask her damnit, I'm tired of standing by this door and listening, cut the shit and ask" he chuckled as he ate. The two laughed as Dean took out a black velvet box, opening it to reveal an engagement ring. Roman smiled as he looked on at what was the surprise proposal by Ambrose. "Well since I can't really give you my sweet intro, will you marry me Maddie?". Having no words, Madelynn smiled and nodded. The ring was placed on her finger as Roman left to go call their mother as Dean cupped Madelynn's cheek. "I love you and this little guy or gal" he said as Madelynn kept her smile, replying, "We love you too". They pecked lips as it felt like the first time all over again. Soon they pulled away, giving cheeky smiles to one another. The couple got up from the floor as they both went out to tell the big news & surprise to the family.

A/N: hey loves this was for xheelrollins . Thank you for requesting boo, I hope you liked it! 💜. Pregnancy imagines lowkey give me baby fever like aghhh now I want a baby👶🏽 💕 Please continue to request and be sure to tell your friends :). Anyways comments, votes, would be greatly appreciated🧡with much love xx ashley 💛

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