|don't listen to them, love|

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side note: this was a really good idea-had me thinking of my fic indian beauty 🥺 (which btw go ahead and read it ;) ) 💗

side note: this was a really good idea-had me thinking of my fic indian beauty 🥺 (which btw go ahead and read it ;) ) 💗

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentioning of racism ( this is not me speaking like this, i wanted to add this for a more realistic feeling idk )

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentioning of racism ( this is not me speaking like this, i wanted to add this for a more realistic feeling idk )

"god marcel could do so much better 🤮", "Geez why Emily? Like she's not even a wrestler", the comments just endless with hate against the girlfriend of Imperium member Marcel Barthel. Emily Baker, the fairly new backstage interviewer at NXT UK, was trying to see what fans had said on Marcel's recent post about the two. Comments were flooded with hate towards the poor girl. Continuing to scroll further down, the comments began to get worse.

"Her accent is trash", "Out of all the pretty UK girls in NXT you choose the brown girl🙄"—those words stinging against Emily's skin. She felt a part of herself hurt internally while externally her expression faded to a sad profile. Sighing to herself, she turned her phone off and stored it in her purse. "You okay, Emily?" a producer asked as she walked into the backstage crew dressing room. Emily headed towards the makeup area to get ready for the show.

Walking the halls she had thoughts circling around her head, some she didn't wish on thinking about. "They hate me with Marcel...What if I'm career damage to him?...I don't want him to lose the fans, he's been wanting for so long...I can't be with him if I'm only hurting his image...", thoughts like those just going all over in her head. She felt her eyes waters but quickly rubbed them as she went to the makeup team. No tears were in her eyes and from there she plastered a fake smile across her lips. Everything that she saw on her Instagram hit her like a pile of bricks, seeming to crush her confidence and a bit of her respect for the fans. She knew they could be brutal, but never to this point.

Marcel was the starting match of the night, tagging with his fellow mate Fabian Aichner and seeming to have the upper hand. The match was displayed on the nearby monitor and there, she saw her boyfriend gain a disqualification due to Fabian using a chair. "Aren't you going to see Marcel Ems?" Jonie, a makeup artist asked as she knew Emily was with Marcel. "No, I um I got called to do an interview with Walter so I can't...I actually have to go um, thanks Jonie." Emily quickly left as Jonie and the rest of the makeup artists were surprised by her early departure. She scurried the hallway to find herself in one of the nearby restrooms. Locking the door, she looked in the mirror and began to do breathing exercises. Breathing in and out, she had the urge to cry but refused. As much as it hurt, she knew she had to cut it off with Marcel.

"C'mon Emily, you cannot cry in this business, you can just tell Marcel you two aren't working out—it's fine.." Emily said to her mirrored self until she heard the stall door open. It was Jinny, looking quite concerned seeing the tv interviewer distressed. "Emily?" Jinny approached softly as Emily turned around, "Oh my gosh Jinny I—". "You're fine sweetheart, what's this about you breaking up with Marcel?" the dark brunette asked as Emily sighed. "It's the fan, they don't want me with him, they completely detest it. I am complete career damage to him, I am ruining what he loves." Emily said as Jinny's eyes turned sympathetic. She brought Emily into a hug as now the interviewer did break into tears. Marcel was the lover she never knew she could find, especially in business with the stigma of failing relationships.

"Shh—it's okay, look best thing you can do is right now is talk to Marcel and tell him this, this shouldn't be the thing that breaks you two up in my opinion." Jinny mentioned as she held Emily in her arms. Emily soon broke away, wiping her eyes and thankfully having waterproof mascara. She nodded to Jinny as the two unlocked the door and exited the restroom. The two parted ways as Emily walked a long way to the men's locker room. Holding herself up to Jinny's advice, she looked everywhere to find Marcel. After what seemed liked circles, she found Marcel with Walter and Fabian as they seemed to be chatting. Marcel saw Emily and with wide eyes and a smile, he walked towards her to give her a hug.

"Em..." he tried to embrace his girlfriend till she had her arms crossed in front of her. "We need to talk Marcel." Emily replied quietly as Marcel looked at his mates. "I'll um, I'll catch up with you guys later.." Marcel quickly made up as he and Emily walked to a corner far from anyone.  "What's going on love?" Marcel asked softly as he looked into Emily's eyes. They were puffy, red, and seemed to still have the teary eye effect left to them. "Marcel I-I really don't know how to say this, I um, I think it's best if w-we part ways.." Emily said with a shaky voice, her  head looking down as she didn't want Marcel to see her begin to tear up once more. "Emily, Emily look at me." Marcel said as he put his thumb under her head, lifting her chin up to meet his eyes, "Why are you doing this?".

"I am nothing but career damage to you." Emily answered as she looked to have tears formed in her eyes. "What do you even mean?" Marcel asked while being taken aback from what she had answered. "I am nothing but just career damage to you. Have you seen what the fans have said about us, I am the brown girl who's not a wrestler, who's accent is disgusting, and seeming to pull away your fans. Marcel, I can't be with you if all I am doing is hurting what you've always wanted." Emily answers back as she with all her might tried not to break down into a full sob.

"You think you're hurting what I've always wanted?" Marcel asked as Emily nodded, "Emily, the only thing that you're hurting right now is my heart, only thing I've ever wanted was just someone to be by my side during my amazing career and that's you, I've wanted someone like you.". Emily felt touched by the words Marcel said however, she knew she couldn't stand being the thing pulling fans away from Marcel. "I hurt your career Marcel, the fans do not like me with you, you have always told me that you wanted to be big in this business and you're getting there but if I'm with you, I am just a setback..." Emily continued to plea her case as Marcel shook his head. "I know I've always said that I wanted to be a big name in this business but you know what, I would rather be with the love of my life than be some wrestler." Marcel explained as he pulled Emily close by the waist.

"Emily, I love you. Whether or not the fans like it, you are the woman I choose to be with inside and outside this business. No matter if they were to tell me I couldn't be with in hopes for a championship, I would choose you without question. Ems, you're my girl, my love, no fans should come between us." Marcel explained as Emily looked up at him. His eyes explained how hurt he felt, seeing Emily in such a state he's never encountered before. "Emily, do you truly want to break up with me?" he asked as she shook her head, "No.". "Then we are not breaking up, whether or not the fans like it you're my girl." Marcel said as he placed a kiss on Emily's temple.

Emily embraced her boyfriend, seeing how he was no one to take anything from people who called themselves his fans. "Don't listen to them, love." Marcel whispered as he held Emily in his arms, resting head on his chest. "Okay.." she whispered as the two were not breaking up from the the bully's of the wwe universe.

A/N: hey loves💛! this was for mrsrnel , don't think i forgot love 🤍. not gonna lie, this idea really just had me so hooked that i just felt myself so delved into the plot. in times like this, racism isn't something we should be continuing rather, we should be ending it. definitely one of my favs in this book. anyways comments and votes would be greatly appreciated 🧡 with much love xx ashley💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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