Stoner Boy (SMUT)

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A/N: I might turn this into a full fic soon so follow me for that!

Btw this is hella long

Gabriel Novak and Sam Winchester have only known each other for a short time. But Gabe quickly grew to like the stoner kid. He enjoyed hanging out with Sam. Even if Sam got high every other minute, there was something about him Gabriel really liked. Maybe it was his boyish hair that fell over his face, making him look more innocent than he really was. Or the dimples that shown when he smiled. Or the array of smiles he had. From adorable kid smile to I'd fuck you till you can walk smirk.

Gabriel loved it. His eyes were something else. Sam's eyes couldn't decide on a color, they were blue green or brown depending on the day. Gabriel often found himself getting lost in them whenever he caught a glance. Let's not even get started on Sam's tall, muscular, amazing body..

The first time Gabe laid eyes on his hot bod they met in the library when he actually attempted to study. He just got bored and ended up getting coffee with Sam. He was probably high when they met too but.. oh well.

Gabriel approached Sam's house. He walked up to the doorstep and knocked. He waited......and knocked again. No answer. Sam was probably in his room unable to hear. He walked to the side of the house and spotted Sam's window. He could tell it was Sam's because of the Nirvana blaring in the walls. Well, there were three options. Text Sam to get the door, let himself in, or romantically climb the window but with the added risk with falling to his death. Option three it is.

Gabriel's small stature didn't help. He grasped the side of the house finding some piece of wood to hoist his body onto before climbing up. "Shit....fuck....dammit" Gabe muttered. Gabriel finally managed to reach the top. He put his elbows on the windowsill and knocked. Sam seemed to be laying on his bed. He saw the younger boy perk up and look to the window. A smirk crept on both of their faces when their eyes met. Sam got up and walked over to the window, his hair all shaggy from rolling on his bed. As he walked he took a drag of his blunt letting smoke out in the stuffy room.

The window opens and Sam leant down to talk to Gabriel. "Are you my Romeo now?" Sam joked flirtatiously. "Shut up." Gabriel pouted as Sam backed up and he climbed into the room, the air thick with smoke.

"When are you not high?" Gabe asked already knowing the answer. Sam only shrugged sitting back on the edge of the bed. He took another big breath and blew it partially into Gabriel's face to tease him. "Wanna hit? Ash just restocked the weed is 25% off with xanax." Sam held out the blunt to Gabriel, he shook his head. Sam shrugged slouching down more.

"You've got a lot of records." Gabriel observed picking up the Nirvana cover that was being played. "A lot of them.." he had a whole bookshelf full of them. "Some of them are originals from my dad." Sam says quietly calming the mood.

Gabe walked a few steps now only about a foot away from the taller boy. He stood over him. "So whadda you wanna do?" Says nonchalantly admiring more of Sam's decor. Sam had that dark smirk grow over his face. He had an idea pop into his head. "I can think of a few things." He says just before taking another drag, ex hailing through his nose. "Like what?" Gabe had an idea of what he was getting at, a guy could dream right?

"We could be boring, watch a movie, talk about politics or.." Sam trailed off. He began to stand up slowly now towering several inches over Gabriel. Their amber and green eyes met. A million feelings dancing in the air. Gabriel could almost hear Sam's heart they grew so quiet.

"Or...?" Gabriel inched slightly closer to Sam. He wanted to do everything to that boy. He also wanted Sam to just take him and do what he likes. "Or we could have a little fun." Sam's free hand moved to Gabriel's hip sending warmth down his spine. His hand moved along slowly slightly tightening as it ran lower. Gabriel leaned into it pressing a hand on Sam's chest as their faces grew closer. Sam's other arm, not being occupied by roaming Gabriel's body slid over his shoulder draping lazily. Gabriel's hands slip smoothly to grasp his neck.  The palms of his hands brought Sam down enough to where there lips met.

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