2 - Trying Again

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The next day, Dec tried to forget about what had happened and he was glad that Ant didn't bring it up again. He just enjoyed being with his boyfriend, they had a relaxing day at home, Dec finally had time to start reading his new book and they had a little barbecue together in the evening.

Nevertheless, Dec couldn't forget about what had happened. It had never happened to him before, at least not with Ant. Ant was the love of his life and he had often found himself getting horny just by looking at him, so this was odd. But at the same time, he tried to tell himself that it didn't mean anything, that stuff like that could happen.

And as Dec was a very stubborn man, he was determined to show his boyfriend that he wasn't a failure. That he did love him and that indeed it had been a one-off. And that was why he started to very slowly let his hand wander up and down Ant's thigh when they started watching telly that night. Every time he stroked up his leg, he let his hand come closer to Ant's crotch.

Ant grinned from ear to ear. He hadn't been sure whether he should have mentioned the events of the night before to Dec again. But now he was happy that he hadn't done it. Apparently, Dec was really fine with it now, judging by his actions. Ant smiled when he felt Dec's thumb brushing over his manhood through his jeans and he turned his head to look at his boyfriend.

Dec just smiled at him and it calmed Ant down even more. He knew Dec was sensitive, but he also knew he shouldn't underestimate his boyfriend when it came to dealing with stuff. Ant had been worried that Dec would back down now, and it would've been a shame on their first weekend to themselves in ages.

The slightly taller man leaned forward and captured Dec's lips with his own, placing his hand onto his lover's neck to pull him closer when their tongues met. Immediately, he could feel a huge wave of arousal running through his body, making his member twitch.

Dec also moaned a bit into the kiss and grabbed Ant's manhood through his jeans and squeezed it gently. When he noticed again that his own member wasn't really fazed by it, all those doubts came back in an instant.

Nevertheless, he carried on kissing Ant and working his member a bit through his trousers. Maybe he just needed a bit more time and relax a bit more. He knew he was putting himself under pressure, so it would be best to not stress about it too much.

But the more heated it became, the louder Ant's moans got, the more Dec was sure that it didn't work. He was close to crying again, but he didn't want Ant to know, so he pulled away and smirked.

"Want to go upstairs?" he grinned and gave Ant's boner another squeeze. "Get you out of those tight trousers?"

"I'd love to" Ant smiled, his eyes full of arousal. He buried his face into Dec's neck afterwards and gently nibbled the skin there for a few seconds.

Normally, that would drive Dec crazy. Now, he felt... nothing. Just a little tingle on his neck, that was it. No blood rushing south, no arousal hitting his body, just a little tingle and a very warm feeling.

He quickly stood up and reached for Ant's hand and all but dragged him upstairs. Maybe, he just needed more action, more fire? So he pushed Ant against the bedroom door once it was closed behind them and hungrily attacked him with kisses.

Ant again reacted intensively to Dec's actions and panted heavily, his mind started buzzing and he couldn't think straight anymore. He just wanted Dec, and he wanted him now. So he pushed him backwards by his chest until his legs reached the bed and gave him one last push before he landed on top of him.

Burying his face into Dec's neck again, he kissed hungrily, lovingly at the same time and alternated between sucking and biting the sensitive skin there. Normally, that would make Dec squirm and whimper and moan and he did react to it, but not in the way he usually did. So Ant pulled away and looked his boyfriend in the eyes.

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