The Smile I cant Resist

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Bakugo POV

My eyes fluttered open as I sat up right in the bed. I could remember everything from last night. When he smiled at me when I cooked , the way he complemented me, and the way he said he would be there for me.

It felt so nice him being there with me. Am I in love with that fucking idiot. No no nope never i am not going through that hell again. Even if he did too which he doesn't I couldn't not give him my best.

I got out of bed my gloomy eyes showed because of all the thoughts that had went through my head. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and jumped in the shower letting the shower erase all of my thoughts for those minutes.

I got out the shower and put on my school uniform then went out. "Hey Bakugo" someone had said leaning against my doorframe. I opened my yawning eyes to see who it was and of course it was Kirishima. "Hey shitty hair" I said back as we started for the cafeteria. "Hey Bakugo I wanted to thank you again for making me that food it was so good ." He said with a big smile and wrapped his arm around me. I looked away and blushed again. "S-shut up weird hair" I said as I dragged him to the cafeteria.

I got the food and sat down next to the generator, The tape dispenser, and black eyes. I sat next to Kirishima as usual but obviously Im blushing. "Hey guys what you doing" Kirishima asked everyone.

"Nothing much" Sero said eating peacefully. "Haha not me I got some news for you" Kaminari said excitedly to everyone and there all intrigued. "Ok so me and Mina made some plans to have a big party for everyone for the hell of it" he said as shook Mina.

"A party really that sounds hella fun" Kirishima said as a smile took over his face. I admit i had a-bit of a smile on my face too. "Yea I agree it does sound fun what do we need" Sero said pulling out paper and getting ready to write down what we needed.

"Ok I will get the booze" Mina said happily and writing her name down. "Ill get the food" Sero said also putting his name down too. "Well what about you Bakugo" Kaminari said looking at me hopefully.

"No Im not coming to your fucking shitty party" I said crossing my arms and looking away. Kaminari and everyone else was begging me to come it was so annoying.

"Hey Bakugo look at me" Kirishima said pulling my chin up to meet his face. I looked into his Torino red orbs and I was entranced.
"Please come with me lets have some fun please" He begged as he smiled that beautiful smile he can get me to do anything with that.
Its only him only he can do this with that smile I could never resist.

I felt my hard core fall apart as I felt my heat run to my cheeks and somewhere else too as I looked away. "F-Fucking fine Kiri I'll go to the shitty party with you I'll bring my laptop so you can play music." I said shyly and looked away from Kirishima's bright smile that could be considered the sun.

"REALLY BAKUGO YAY" Shitty hair said as he jumped up and hugged me letting me enjoy his warmth. I noticed something in the corner of my eyes and looked over to black eyes in which her hands were clasped together with a smile on her face. I flipped her the bird and she stuck her tounge out at me.

Kirishima let go still a smile on his face with a blush on his face. "Lets go to class guys" He shouted our and we grabbed our things and we were off. We made it to class and Aiwaza went up to roll check and I was daydreaming looking at Kirishima. My wall are crumbling because of him he is breaking me down bit by bit.

"Hey Kacchan are you ok" Deku said as he tapped my shoulders and looked concerned for me. "Im fine you shitty nerd so shut up" I said speaking back to him. "Ok I was just checking up you were looking at Kirishima weirdly so I want to see what was up" He said retuning to his desk as he sighed.

I rolled my eyes that damn Deku thinks he can be concerned about me he should be concerned on how Im going to kick his damn head off like a soccer ball. Class finished and we all walked out Kirishima coming with me.

"Oh man its raining out there were gonna get soaked out there" Kirishima said as we got outside under the extended roof. "Shit I didnt bring a jacket" I muttered to myself as we walked out side.

We were getting poured on as we ran through the rain under something else that could cover us. We got under something as we panted from breath. "Oh man Im soaked" Kirishima said as I looked at him I wish I hadn't.

His 8 pack was showing off under his school uniform and his hair was deflated looking like he had long hair. Plus his smile that a funeral waiting for me time yo jump in my casket.

"Ummm B-bakugo w-why are you starring at me like that and why are you blushing are you sick did you get hypothermia" He panicked and put his jacket on me to warm. "I dont need this shitty hair" I said before looking at him he was concerned as all hell and it was cute I couldnt let him down so I kept it on.

The rain let up as we walked to the dorms and got inside. "That was bad are you ok Bakugo" he said as he put his hand on my fore head.
"Im fine shitty hair ok dont worry about it" I said looking at him he had a major blush too is he sick too Ill check on him tomorrow.

"Here is your jacket" I said as I took off his jacket and gave it to him. "Keep it" He said back to me "Keep it I have wayyy to many anyway" He said to me as I blushed hard. "O-ok Ill see you tomorrow shitty hair" I said as I waved him goodbye. Once I was far away enough I ran to my room and slammed the door and slid down.

The heat on my cheeks and In my member were too great and this jacket wasn't helping.
I pulled off my pants as I grabbed my member through my boxers and rubbed. "Ohhhhh yessss" I moaned out as I rubbed faster and took off my boxers too.

My weeping erection was crying to be touched as I stroked my cock slowly. "Ohhhh-Kirishima" I found myself moaning out his name as I smelled his jacket that was just like him. My pace increased as I played with myself fingering myself as I jacked off.

I imagined Kirishima playing with me as he saw me in this state saying how he would fuck me till the sun came up as I moaned louder. "Kiri Im so close let me cum please Ill be good" I moaned louder as my climax approached my imagination got the better of me as I came all over my face and Kirishima's jacket.

I realized something when I was panting for breath. Im falling for him

Explosions of love (a Kiribaku story)Where stories live. Discover now