1. first encounter

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I stumble up the stairs to my new apartment in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. I had just moved here from America, and I barely knew the place. I had come here to teach English to Korean students in a nearby private school.
I finally reach the top of the stairs and fumble with my keys, slipping them out of my jacket pocket and into the door knob. The door pops open with a click, and with my first box, I walk in, flipping the lights on, and setting it on the counter. It was very pretty. It had a nice linoleum floor in a wood style, white walls, white and black furniture, and rose colored steps to my sleeping space on a balcony type of set up.
I am extremely excited, but tired as I trudge back downstairs into the drizzling night air. A drop of water lands on my nose and I sigh, wiping it off before grabbing a few more boxes out of the taxi I had gotten from the airport, also balancing a large duffel bag full of my clothes on the top. I nod at the driver, who is beginning to look a bit impatient as I begin my risky trudge back up the stairs. I'm almost there when everything begins to tilt. "Come one, I'm only one door away!" I whine, trying to prevent everything from toppling from my arms and onto the platform in front of my neighbors door, right before mine.
I lay my head on the largest box for a moment, feeling quite overwhelmed, but that doesn't last long as a door suddenly hits my boxes and I. "Aish, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to attack you with my door!" I hear a very smooth sounding voice exclaim with a nervous chuckle.
I look up at my "attacker", and my eyes immediately widen. He was beautiful. His long legs lead up to a small waist, then to broad, manly shoulders. His face was gorgeous, with smooth, plump, pink lips, and amazing brown, almond shaped, mono-lidded eyes. "Are you okay?" He questions, a small blush spreading over his very slightly tanned skin as he notices my stare.
I shake myself out of it as fast as possible and stand up, bowing to him stiffly. "Y-yes, I'm okay, that was my fault, I'm sorry!" I exclaim. "I thought I could handle that much stacked in my arms, but apparently I couldn't." I admit, gesturing to my scattered boxes and duffel.

e chuckles a bit and shoves his hands in his pockets, looking down at the boxes. "Well, to apologize for my door, I would like to help you. I'm assuming you're the new neighbor?" He asks, beginning to stack my boxes once more, much more neatly than I had them before.

I nod, grabbing my duffel from the ground. "I am. Not a very good impression, huh? A clumsy foreigner." I say, giggling nervously at my own words.
He shakes his head no, smiling shyly up at me from the squatting position he was in before standing to his full height, which was much taller than myself. "N-not at all! You were just trying to get it done as quick as possible." He says as I move to open my front door, holding it open for him. "And I don't blame you, it's cold and wet out here." He says, gesturing to the sky by jerking his head towards it before walking in the door.
He sets the boxes down next to the first one I had placed down and turns to me, looking me over quickly, a slight pink blush tinting his cheeks again. He's so shy. That's pretty cute. I think to myself silently as I set my duffel bag on the smaller table next to the door.
"I guess we should probably get the rest." He suggests. "Do you have a car?" He asks with a raised brow.
I shake my head, rubbing the back of my neck. "I got a taxi from the airport to bring all of my things here, so we should probably hurry." I say with a nervous grin.
He nods, immediately understanding the impatience of the taxi drivers here. We begin our descent down the stairs together, and quickly grab the few remaining boxes and bags of my belongings. I grab 10,000₩ from my pocket and give it to him through his slightly cracked window before he pulls away, leaving this tall, shy man and myself alone in the parking lot.
We wordlessly begin climbing the stairs once more. Once we get to my door, I set my boxes and few carry bags down, opening the door again, before following him in. We set it all down near everything else we had already brought in, and I cross my arms over my chest, shivering a bit from the cold hitting my damp skin. "Well, that's over." I say, relieved.
He nods, looking around the place quickly. "Our apartments are set up the same way, but my walls are blue, and my furniture is blue and white instead of black, and my steps are blue with black tops." He says, eying every detail. "You should come over in a little bit, I can brew some hot tea to help warm you up." He adds, noticing my shivering.
I look at him, my greyish blue eyes widening a little. "Oh, u-um, yeah! I'll be over in a bit after I get a little unpacked and change these clothes." I say with a small smile, gesturing to my damp clothing.
He nods, looking at his own clothes, which were just as damp as mine. "Same here. So, around...." He glances at his watch. "9:00?" He asks.
I quickly pull my phone out of my back pocket and check the time. 8:13. I nod, setting my phone on the table I was standing next to. "Sounds good..." I reply, trailing off as I realize that I never got his name.
"Oh! How rude of me! I'm Kim Seokjin, but most people just call me Jin!" He says, his eyes meeting mine directly for the first time, his cheeks flushed. "You?"
I can't help but blush back at him, his eyes were stunning. "I'm Jocelyn Railen." I reply softly.
He smiles, heading for the door. "That's a really pretty name. I'll see you soon, Jocelyn." He says before exiting, the door closing quietly behind him.
I shake my head. I have a beautiful neighbor who is also the shyest, kindest guy I could imagine, and he wants me over for tea.

How did this happen?

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