Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Bee-

'Damn annoying alarm'

Waking up early at 5 in the fucking morning isn't my specialty. Let alone waking up to go to school only to be surrounded by filthy, pathetic pieces of shit. *Sigh*. Might as well get ready. It's not like I have anything else to do. Besides, I have two hours until school. Getting up from my messy, comfortable bed, I begin to head towards my bathroom to take a shower. Arriving at the bathroom I look at my self in the mirror. I looked like shit. My hair all messing, strands of hair going everywhere yet two spikes on front of my hair, that look like devil horns, are unaffected and are still up, visible bags under my emotionless grey eyes, my grey tank top all baggy, scars lingering my masculine arms from past fights and incidents, and baggy sweat pants. Turning around and facing the shower, I turn on the shower faucet on and made sure it's the right temperature, and begin to strip myself from my clothes. Successfully doing so, I enter the shower. Feeling the warm water cleansing my tan skin makes my body relax. After a few minutes of the warm water wetting my skin, I grab my strawberry scent shampoo and pour some in my hand. Putting my hand with shampoo up to my hair, I start to scrub and wash my dirty caramel hair. After washing my hair and making sure the shampoo soap was no longer in my hair, I start to wash my body with a cinnamon scent body wash. Finally finishing on washing myself with the body wash, I start to rinse myself with the warm water. Done with taking a shower, I grab my towel from the towel rail and wrap it around my waist as I head back towards my room. Looking through my closet, I finally find my school uniform. A dark red button up long sleeve, a black vest on top, a black tie, and black twill pants. I put on a pair of plain red boxers and put on my school uniform, drying my hair afterward, and putting on my wristwatch. Looking back at the alarm clock it showed 6:30, which means I have 30 minutes left. It's quite a mysterious on how time passes quickly. Putting on my black vans, I head back to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Once again arriving in the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror, but this time I look more decent. My hair showing off a clean color of caramel mixed with light brown, my tan skin looking bright and clean with no signs of acne showing, my eyes still dull and emotionless but the bags under my eyes are barely visible, my school uniform showing how formal and presentable I look. After taking a look at my self, I grab my toothbrush and squirt some toothpaste on it. Brushing my teeth for two minutes, I put water in my mouth to get rid of the paste, and put mouthwash in my mouth to freshen up. The minty flavor still lingering my mouth as I spit it out. I start to head back to my room to get my supplies. I quickly grab my black messenger bag and head out to school, skipping breakfast.

{Time skip}

Once arriving at the gates of Oak Hills High, I notice a member from the student council, as always, standing there and waiting until the late bell has rung so he can close the high school gates. I enter the school building and followed the same routine as usual. Walking up the stairs to the second floor and turn right towards my first-period classroom. Room 201. I walk inside the classroom and go over to my desk to sit down. Since my desk is next to a window, I look outside and block the noises around me as I wait patiently for the teacher to come and start the lesson. It was a nice day outside. The trees swaying back and forth as the wind blows away the falling roses, anemones, and forget-me-nots, along with their petals, from the swaying trees. The bright red roses and the sky blue forget-me-nots danced beautifully with the wind as the purple anemones blended in perfectly with the red roses and sky blue forget-me-nots. It was such a peaceful scenery, but I felt nothing. Just blank.

The late bell has rung and the teacher still hasn't come. Not until he slammed the classroom doors open, and apologizing for being late. I have a feeling that one of the student council's had lectured him on being late and for it to never happen again. As the teacher was walking to his desk, he told the class to quiet down.
"Ok class today we have a new student," he said. A new student. Great another annoying brat I have to deal with.
"Well then come on in," he said, looking at the classroom doors. In queue, the doors opened and revealed a petite boy. He hesitantly and shyly walks towards the teacher and turns around to face the class. He looks...gorgeous. I felt my heart beating rapidly, my stomach began to feel weird. I never felt this way before. I barely felt any emotions. I snapped back to reality when the boy started to talk.
"H-Hi my name is Thomas Rosewell, but please call me Tom. Ummm...I hope we can be friends, and have a great time during our junior year", he said in an angelic voice. I decided to examine him while the teacher thought where he would be seated for the rest of the school year. His hair was spiked up, it looked very soft. His hair was a charming light brown. His skin was a light peach tone. His lips were a beautiful pink color. They look so sweet and devouring. He had a feminine body that you could mistake for a beautiful, attractive woman. He had the same school uniform as everyone did, but it was a blue button-up long sleeve and a checkered tie. Lastly and not least, his eyes. They were dark voids that can suck you in. If you look closely you can see the whole galaxy in his eyes. His eyes showed so many emotions and I want to be the only one to see every single emotion his eyes displayed.
"Hmmm...well Thomas you will sit next to Tord since X is absent...again. Tord please raise up your hand", the teacher said as I quickly raise up my hand. Tom starts to walks towards the desk next to me and sits down. He turns around to me and says," Hi! I hope we can become great friends, Tord." The way he said my name made me feel...emotions I never thought I would feel ever in my entire existence. I love this feeling I feel when I'm around him. He's the only one that makes me feel happy, excitement, love, and so many more. NO ONE has ever made me feel this way except anger and annoyance. I must keep him near me at all times.
I WILL NOT let anyone take HIM from me.
I must keep him SAFE.





"Yeah, I hope we can become 'Great Friends', Tom." I smile in which he returns with a cute happy smile.

He doesn't have a choice...

(Yay! I finished! I hope you liked this chapter!...I don't know what else to say...but hope you like this rewritten chapter!) Tell me if there is any misspelled words or bad grammar.

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