Chapter 2

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Tord's POV
I didn't pay attention in class, nor what the teacher was saying. I focused all my attention on Tom. He is just so...beautiful. There is no one else like him. I don't even know him, but his name, yet he makes my heartbeat. I just can't stop thinking about him. The strong feeling of wanting to have him all to myself is irresistible. I want him NOW, but I must wait for the right time. Lost in thought, I simply didn't hear the bell ring or the teacher dismissing us, until Tom started to get up from his desk. I quickly snap out of my trance and got up to leave the classroom. I didn't see Tom leave the classroom, so I assumed he was still in there. I decided to stay outside the classroom for a while and wait for Tom. I wanted to talk to Tom for a bit, and maybe see if I have any other classes with him, so I waited for a few seconds until I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see his big black void eyes staring at my grey eyes. I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. They were so memorizing.
"Umm...excuse me. But I was wondering if you could help find my next class." I quickly snapped out of my thoughts after hearing his sweet, toxic voice.
"Huh?" I stupidly said.
"I was wondering if you could help me find my next class. If you don't mind," he said chuckling nervously while holding a piece of paper with all his classes.
"Of course!"
" here is my schedule, "he said nervously, handing his schedule over to me. 'Tord you idiot! You're creeping him. Just focus. Don't get distracted by his adorable, cute face, and soft, tinted pink lips...Fuck. Okay, just look at his schedule and help him find his next class.' So his next class is Chemistry with Ms. Laura, room 106.
"Ah, you will need to go to the first floor and turn to your left. It should be near the stairs." I say while looking at his other classes. So far I have him for 3rd, 4th, 6th, and last period. 'Maybe I can sit next to him in lunch', I thought to myself. I finally gave Tom's schedule back. When handing it over to him, our hands slightly touch. His light peachy hand was so warm. So soft. I wanted to hold his hands.
"Thank you so much! See you around, Tord!" he said with that sweet voice of his, putting on a bright smile on his face.
"Yeah, see you around," my voice becoming quiet as he ran away from my sight, going down the stairs. How could someone like him make me feel so many emotions? How can he make me kneel down to my knees just by smiling? What a beautiful creature my eyes have come upon on. After years of seeing nothing but despair and misery, I finally saw the light. My sunshine.
Ring   Ring   Ring

'Fuck! I'm late for class!' I quickly turn to the right and run to my next class, but was soon interrupted by, the one and only, Edward Goldman.
"Mr. Larson, you're late for class," he said in his monotone voice.
"No shit, sherlock. What do you think I'm doing?" I say, irritation and annoyance laid in my voice. God, I hated this douche bag. I don't even know how he got here without me noticing. I don't even know why he's here, about to lecture me, when a minute hasn't passed after the tardy bell. And how the fuck did he get up here so fast?! I swear to god he's like sonic or the fucking Flash.
"Language, Mr. Larson. We wouldn't want to get detention already in the fifth week of school," he said.
"Yeah, yeah. I know," I said, annoyed that I have to deal with this cunt. I slowly walk back and say, sarcastically," Well it was wonderful to have come across your presence, but I must take my leave and happily greet my teacher as I get yelled at." I turn around and quickly walk to my classroom. It's going to be a long day. I just want to see my precious Tommy already.

Edd's POV
I watched him walk away from my view. I have a bad feeling when I'm near him. Before, he looked harmless and never spoke to anyone, but now that Thomas came I no longer sensed an empty aura, but a dark, malevolent aura surrounding him. He's up to something, I know it. What are you up to now, Larson? I can't get the thought out of my head that you are going to start what your father started 30 years ago. If you do so, I will not let you hurt anyone. Not even my friend, Thomas Roswell. Now that I think of it, why is Thomas here? I thought he went to America two years ago, so why is he back in London? It doesn't matter, I just need to keep an eye on Tord, and keep Tom safe, along with Tamara. I should talk to him after school or at lunch. It's been so long since I've last talked to him, or seen him. He's still the same from middle school. Heh...he's still my ball of sunshine.
"Edward Goldman, please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Edward Goldman, please report to the principal's office," the speakers announced. What does Father want now? Can't he see I'm busy at the moment? "*sigh*Might as well get this over with," I muttered to myself as I made my way towards his office.

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( If there is any bad grammar, please tell me. I am still bad at writing. :')

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