Chapter 5

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I wasn't sure what to do with Damien, it had been two weeks since I saw him at the cinema and I had questions but I was scared of the answers. What was the buzzing? Why could I feel him? I pushed him out of my head I was spending the day in with mum and dad, David was out doing god knows what.

Sitting down next to mum on the sofa I swung my legs over her lap to get comfy, she looked up and smiled. She looked happier than usual and she had her make up and her red lipstick on, relief filled my body it was good seeing her happy. How could I tell her I was having dreams, I didn't need to tell them until I absolutely needed to.

Dad came to join us with a big bowl of popcorn, we out voted him and notebook was the film of choice. I made myself forget for the next couple of hours, wasn't hard though my dad's silly comments on the film could cheer everyone up. "Die hard would have been a much better choice" my brother said as he came in to join us. "Shhh" I said shoving popcorn in his mouth when he sat next to me.

I wish it could be like that all the time, no cares in the world. David kept stealing the popcorn in my hand and poking me in the sides making me giggle when I had a mouth full of popcorn. I would swap seats with dad but I was just too damn comfy.

"We've ran out of milk" my dad shouted through from the kitchen. Hot chocolate on a Sunday was a tradition that didn't change.

"I can go out and grab some Michael" my mum said getting up to get ready. "I will come too I can pick up the papers I left at work, I can work on them tonight" leaving me and David fighting over the last pieces of popcorn. He shoved his head in the bowl and stuffed them in his mouth. "Gross" he looked ridiculous and had cheeks like a chipmunk. "Imma showa" he muffled out. I shooed him away with my hand as he left the living room to go for a shower. I could hear him laughing to himself as he walked upstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to see if there was anymore popcorn left after fatty ate most of it, there was a bowl half full sitting on the kitchen table so I grabbed it and went to walk into the living room, but a howling pierced the air and popcorn was now decorating the floor. I stopped dead in my tracks, I looked out the window trying to keep the panic taking over. It was getting dark outside but I could see a shadow of the movements near the forest, it was the white wolf but he was attacking something but I couldn't see what it was, it was large but it didn't seem to be fighting back.

The wolf looked up and right at me, I could feel his blood stained eyes on me. I took a step back In to the safety of my home where he couldn't see me, all I could hear was my heavy breathing, it was like I had run a marathon.

I took a step forwards after silence took over outside, and leaned towards the window. He was gone but something lay at the lip of the forest. I started biting my nails, mulling a decision in my head.

I walked out the kitchen door pulling my trainers on and went down the steps into the garden, I looked around to make sure there was no sign of the wolf "I can't believe I'm actually doing this." And in my pyjamas.

I left the safety of my garden and jogged towards the forest, I stopped a few feet away and there lay a wolf, it was whimpering and I could see it was hurt. I started to back away, I've had enough wolf experiences to last a lifetime. It heard me and it's head snapped towards me and it let out a soft howl. It's black and brown coat started to change, it seemed to be retracting itself into skin, it's nails and teeth were no longer prominent, and what was his legs and paws were now arms and legs.

Oh god, I backed away more, getting ready to run if i needed to.

It's body lay before me and his wavy brown hair hid his face until he looked up at me. I felt like my whole world was collapsing around me and I dropped to my knees.

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