Chapter 6

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We came up in front of a small cottage that was surrounded by trees, it was dark but I could just make out the outline of the chimney and the roof.

Rick slowly let me down like he was prepared for me to run, I let him walk in first I didn't want to stay close to him any longer. Jacobs hand came to my back making me jump, he dropped his hand seeing my reaction.

I was shivering from the cold, I was rubbing my arms to try and warm myself up. Jacob left me with rick, probably to get some clothes. Rick held a blanket out to me and I took it reluctantly and clung to it. It was bright green with yellow stars, it reminded me of a baby blanket you see toddlers cling to.

"Sit down" rick said pointing to the ugly black leather sofa with holes. I walked over and sat down doing as I was told. The blanket was turning into a comfort to have, it was so soft. It was big and worn at the corners, it looked like it used to be well used. My shivers started to settle.

Jacob walked back in fully clothed, jeans and a grey hoodie. "Wait, how long have you been here waiting to kidnap me?" I glared at the both of them. I was keeping myself calm, after seeing what he could turn into I didn't plan on making them angry.

"It wasn't the plan" Jacob said not elaborating any more. "Is rick the white wolf?" I asked Jacob I couldn't look at rick, he still terrified me. "You can talk to me you know, I won't bite." He walked over to stand beside my brother, it was like they were best friends. "Rick isn't the white wolf"

"How can you just stand there after what he did to you? After what he turned you into?" Ok keep calm jess, I turned my attention to rick, his shaggy hair covered his eyes as he was looking down at me. His eyes weren't as cold and blank as I remembered from my dreams. "And you? Why would I speak to you, this is all you're fault" I could of swore he flinched at my words but he recovered his calm composure.

"I told you I saved him and we didn't set out to take you" I could sense him getting angry and sat back into the black sofa trying to keep as much distance between me and angry wolf man. His face softened "I would never hurt you"

"Well that's a heap of bull crap, you hurt me the day I saw you standing over my brother" I can get angry too buddy! "And why the hell are you so calm Jacob, you're standing next to the man who did this to you" I could feel the hurt bubbling to the surface as I spoke.

"He needs to stay calm, if he wants to keep the wolf in, he's still learning to deal with him" he was standing In front of me now looking down at me. Can my brother not speak for himself now? "He wouldn't have to deal with it, if it weren't for you in the first place" I couldn't look up at him anymore. I looked away as I said it.

He raised his voice making me turn to look back at him "I didn't do a thing to him, so stop talking shit about stuff you don't know about" I would stand up and face him but he would still tower over me, he was built just like Damien but he was taller. "Talking shit? I saw you kill him, you then stalk me at my last house and then to top it all off it turns out you made him into a monster" I was so angry I could cry, how dare he play the good guy.

"rick didn't kill me, I'm here very much alive, he stopped me from killing you in the cabin" Jacob whispered from the corner of the room.


"I don't believe you Jacob, don't lie, you don't need to protect him." I croaked out but his pleading eyes told me it was the truth, tears escapes my eyes and fell down my cheeks. "I don't understand" I suddenly felt dizzy I felt glad I was sitting down or I would have fell down. Rick sat next to me and put his hand on my leg, I moved his hand and moved to the other side of the sofa. I'm alone in a house with two monsters.

I looked up at Jacob preparing myself and nodded for him to continue.

"The white wolf came after me a few nights before, that night you found me, it was a full moon. I knew that If I phoned you. You would come and help me. I didn't expect to have an urge to kill you. I swear it jess" 

I stood up all I wanted to do was run. Rick sensing my rush to get up, got up and stood next to me ready to stop me from running. I sat back down.

"I'm not the white wolf Jessica" he's not the white wolf well who the hell is? I was almost to scared to ask. "Who is?"

"We don't know"

I knew I shouldn't have asked. I had a hundred questions swarming around my head but This was too much to handle. I stood up hoping my legs would do their job. " Is there anywhere I can go to lie down" I spoke to rick, I couldn't look at jacob anymore, I didn't know who he was. "I can show you" I followed him into the hall way to the last room. He put his hand on the door handle "I don't like smelling other mutts on you" he whispered, he opened the door for me and walked off. I walked in closing the door behind me, I didn't register what he said to me I had too much floating around my head. The bedroom was much nicer than the living room, the dark red walls looked nice, there was a TV on the wall with a PlayStation on the floor.The double bed looked inviting I sat down on the white sheets, it had been slept in a could tell by the scattered blankets. I slipped my trainers off and crawled into bed clinging to the blanket rick gave me. The bed smelled of rain, i nodded off into a restless sleep.

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