Chapter 7: Thunder Day

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Thunder shook the Science building so hard Maddy cringed as she opened the door to go to work. Weather took getting used to since back in Chicago they rarely had it due to the environmental damage. They'd had wind storms coating the air with thick dust adding to the pollution and her mother would come exhausted from the hospital. After they'd gone to bed, her mom would sit and cry because of all the people who had died.

The building shuddered again. Maddy's dark eyes darted around the lab watching for any hint of breakage. Many of the specimens had been gathered during various expeditions and they still worked at trying to get it all catalogued. It would be shame to lose any.

"Morning, Herman," she greeted the large black and white striped lizard. His tongue darted out and he turned his head to watch her. "Glad you're in a cage." Basically he was harmless, just large and unpredictable.

Taking her seat at the long narrow table she worked at. She shared the space with several other apprentices who would be in momentarily. Maddy kept watch for Dr. Alona Jackson. Secrets were had to keep in Terra Nova and rumor had it the archeologist/linguist would be working with the Colonial visitors. Maddy desperately wanted a chance to do something else, even for a little while.

Others entered the building, in varying degrees of being soaked. Her heart sank. With the rain coming down, she might not get a chance to leave and see their guests herself. Like everyone else, she really wanted to.

"Morning, Dr.Wallace."

Maddy immediately recognized Dr. Jackson's voice. She turned her head to sneak a glance.

"I expected you at the lab hours ago." The British scientist glared at woman. He tended to take his position of head of the Science department a bit too seriously. He wore bagging clothing looking like a picture she'd seen of a tourist in an old book.

"Commander Taylor had me in his office." She shook her head slightly, trying to dry her light brown hair. The doctor had it down and Maddy knew the woman never did that. Didn't really fit with the loose light blue coveralls worn over a dark blue blouse.

A hurt look crossed Malcolm's face.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Wallace, but Commander Taylor does run,"

"I know what he runs," he snapped. "Oh, go make me a report so I can keep updated." He slunk away.

Dr. Jackson glanced at the apprentice table and moved into her office space with a narrow window. Maddy waited a few minutes before daring to approach the woman. She stood at the door unsure whether to knock or just go right in.

"You're Maddy Shannon," Dr. Jackson said from behind a table full of books, plants, and artifacts. On a barely cleared spot her Plex rested.

"I am."

"I hear good things about you." She gave Maddy a warm smile. "How can I help you?"

She had her chance, might as well take it. "I hear you're trying to learn the language of our visitors."

The doctor nodded her head.

"Look," she took a step inside the cluttered space. "I know I'm just an apprentice, but I'm really good at taking notes, and I'd really like to learn and I promise I won't be in the way," she paused to take a breath.

She heard the woman laugh. "I'd heard when you get nervous you talked quickly."

Heat filled Maddy's cheeks. "I'll just go back,"

"You'll do no such thing." She came out from behind the desk. "How badly would you like to work with me?"

Had she heard correctly? "Badly."

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