Chapter Two

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my laptop ringing. Before getting up, I grinned to myself, knowing it was Liam.  I hopped off the bed, avoiding Tina, who fell asleep on the floor. I grabbed my laptop and sat back down on my bed. Sure enough, there was a call coming from Liam.



"Hi!" I said excitedly, sitting back on my pillows with my laptop balanced on my knees.



He smiled his gorgeous smile and ran his hand over his hair. "Hey babe." I could hear commotion in the back, and Harry walked in the camera view.



"What are you doing?" I asked, still watching Harry, who was talking to Niall, who was eating.



Liam looked behind him. "We have some interveiw and then an impromptu concert." I loved him. He was so humble.



"Sounds like loads of fun." I giggled, watching his smile widen. "Did you get enough sleep last night?" I asked.



"Yep. After hearing your voice, I slept like a baby. Why do you ask?" He looked behind him and saw Harry dancing like a fool.



That made me laugh even harder. "I don't want you to overwork yourself." I said, sounding like a mom, and I knew Liam hated that.



His smile fell. "You sound like my mother, Madison." It got quite in the background for a minute, then Louis walked up to Harry and Niall in the background. They all began whispering and making gestures to Liam.



"Sorry." I said. I knew my face was probably getting red.



"It's fine. I should be home in a few days. I hope," He said, looking around. I knew he was getting tired of talking to me, or bored, or had to leave. Or he was irritated that I berated him.



"I can't wait." I said, and genuinely meant it.



"I have to go now." He said, talking to someone in the background.



"Okay. Call me later. I love you." I said, watching him get up and straighten his vest.



"Bye." He said, and then the call ended. That was weird, he didn't say I love you back. Maybe he was just in a hurry. My heart started racing as more scenarios zoomed through my head. Maybe there was another girl. I needed Tina to wake up now.



I casually threw a pillow at her head and then sat back.



"What the-" She sat up, clutching the pillow. "Did you do this-uh, oh, what's wrong?" She got up and sat beside me on my bed.



"Liam called." I said, and her face lit up.



"That's great!" She said, then stopped. "That is great...right?"



"Yeah, except he got irritated when I told him I was concerned for him and he didn't say I love you back." I flopped on my side, burying my head in my pillow. Tina put her hand on my head.



"I'm sure he just had to go." She said, trying to make me feel better.



"What if he was meeting a girl? Or has another girlfriend? What if he's cheating on me? Tina, what am I going to do?" I wailed and she patted my head, smoothing my hair.



"He doesn't have another girlfriend. Anyone would be out of their mind crazy to cheat on you, or even break up with you. He's just busy, that's all. I thought I heard him say something about an interveiw and a concert. He probably needed to get ready." She assured me.



"How can you be so sure?" I asked. Answer that, Tina.



"Because I am. I always am." She sounded so sure of herself that I believed her.



"Fine." I sat up and pulled my hair into a ponytail. "Maybe I'm just overreacting because I miss him." I slid off my high bed and straightened out my cami and shorts before walking over to my dresser. I picked up the picture of us that we had taken the day before he left.



"I know you miss him. When is he coming home?" She asked, instantly putting me in a good, happy mood.



"A few days!" I shreiked, jumping up and down. "I can't wait to see him, wait to smell him, kiss him, hug him!" I danced around, walking into my huge walk-in closet. "I have no idea what I'm going to wear!"



I could hear Tina laughing. "What's so funny?" I walked back out, still wearing my cami and short shorts. She was sitting on my bed, holding my laptop  up. On the screen was Liam, laughing.



"I forgot to say I love you." He said, assessing me. I grinned and blew him a kiss, which he pretended to catch. "I can't wait to see you, smell you, kiss you, and hug you, either. I love you." He said, ending the call.



"Yay! Tina! He does love me!" I danced around even more, abruptly stopping. "Did he see me dancing?" I asked, watching her laugh hysterically and bob her head up and down.



"He saw every last hilarious part of it!" She rolled over on my bed, still laughing. I grinned and walked back into my closet.



"Tina! Are you going to help me or not?" I cried, counting the days to when I would see him again.







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