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It's been about four months since Stanford had started working on the communication device to get into contact with his old friend. He rolled his eyes and placed an important screw on top of a small circular glass panel that would make his device stable.

"Finished!" Stanford said in accomplishment and stood from his seat which startled both his niece and twin brother who were both asleep. "It's done!? Yay!" Mabel cheered and punched the air. "Not yet. We still need to test it. He glanced down at the button that was in the front of the mirror. Last chance to back out. Why would he want to back out? What made him think that...

Mabel rushed over to her Grunkle and pushed the button. "You were stalling. I got tired of waiting." She smiled and backed up as the static started showing up on the screen. An image of a garage started to appear on screen, and a chest that looked like it was wearing a blue shirt and a lab coat.

"Y-eah?" The receiving end responded with a burp in between the single word that could probably count as a greeting. "Rick Sanchez? It's me. Ford." The body on the other end paused what he was doing and lifted up their own communication device. "Well fucking a. -burp- it's been awhile. I thought you died." Ford rolled his eyes. "Listen, I need your help with something. Is there anyway you could hop over to my dimension real quick?" Rick shrugged. "Sure, let me just get M-Morty."

"M-MORTY!" He yelled causing Mabel to flinch from it. "I don't trust him." She mumbled and looked at the screen.  Grunkle Stan nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah Grandpa Rick?" Morty asked. "We're going on one of those 'adventures' as you like to call them. I'll be right over Ford." Rick then disconnected the server and a green portal appeared in the room Mabel jumped back and watched two people walk through.

One was her age and the other one was about the same age as her Grunkles. "Ford! It's been decades." Rick greeted and hugged his old partner. "I'm surprised you remembered to build the other side of the device." Ford commented and Rick shrugged while taking a drink from his flask, he noticed the other two in the room while doing so. "Who are they?"

"They're apart of my family." Morty glanced over at the girl who was glancing back and forth between them. "I should be asking who that is?" Ford asked while looking down at the kid next to Rick who probably shouldn't even be looking after them. "Just so happens this is my Grandson." He waves and smiled awkwardly. "H-Hi I'm Morty." Rick flicked his Grandsons head and looked back at Ford. "So what's so important that you brought me here?" Rick asked. "Stan why don't you take the kids to go get some lunch?" Stan rolled his eyes and pushed away from the wall. "Let's go kids, they need to catch up."


"Now why am I here?" Rick asked, while taking another swig from his drink. "My nephew. He's been taken, by something. I do have one idea on what took him but I need your help finding him." Rick nodded. "What do you think took him?" He asked and leaned against Fords desk. "A being called. Bill Cipher. I'm hoping I'm wrong though."

Rick froze for a second. Cipher? He eyed his friend. "How did your nephew even get wrapped up with something that evil? I mean, I could probably be classified as the most dangerous person in the multiverse but that thing? Your nephew is in some deep shit. I'll help you though." Ford looked surprised. "His influence has reached into other dimensions?" Rick nodded. "Yup."

Ford sighed and pinched his nose in frustration. "He's been missing for about 5 months. I just hope he's okay." Rick shook his head. "That thing probably has that kid wrapped around his finger by now. Or he's probably dead." Ford narrowed his eyes at Rick. "Hey, I'm just saying what could happen." Ford shrugged. "Fair enough but I'm not giving up on my nephew."

"Come on, let's go grab something to eat and we can figure out what our plan will be." Rick nodded and followed Ford out of the basement. Bill Cipher. That name gives him a bad feeling. A horrible one.


Mabel stood close to her Grunkle while looking at the kid who was on his phone. She looked over at the vending machine when she saw it starting to open. "So what's the plan Ford?" Stan asked as Ford closed the vending machine once Rick was out from it. "The plan is to figure out where the hell Dipper went." Ford replied.  "Well no shit Sherlock." Stan said in a mocking tone. "Rick here has the technology to create a device that will help us track him down."

Mabel glanced over at them with narrowed eyes. Her phone started ringing and she took it out. "Hello? Hey Pacifica! Yeah we've made progress. Do you wanna hangout with Candy and Grenda for the afternoon?" She nodded and hung the phone up. "Pacifica is on her way to pick me up. I'll be back later." She immediately rushed outside.

"That kid is always full of energy." Stanford commented while they all sat at the table.

Rick glanced at the window when a limo pulled up. He saw the girl jump in and it zoomed off.

"S-she wa-s nice." Morty commented as he studied what the stranger was laying out in front of them. It was a blank blue print paper and a white marker was laid next to it. "So, what kind of thing can we make that will be able to track someone down, without a chip.." Ford said while he tapped the table.

Rick took a swig of his flask and burped. "Well for starters we would need something that I have in my garage. It's a teleportation device but we can reconfigure it to track something down. M-Morty go fetch my teleportation device. You know where it is." Rick opened the portal back home and kept it open while Morty went to look for the object.

"Now, how big is this thing?" Ford asked and leaned back in his chair. "It's about the size of my portal gun, same design function, but instead if you shoot it somewhere, it'll just take you to that spot."

Morty finally came back through the portal and it closed.  "Well, let's start reconfiguring this then." Ford said as it was placed on the table.

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