Unexpected Events

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Authors Note: The next four chapters will be ending the story! I do hope you enjoyed this so far and I'll be writing a new story once I finish this! It's already in the works so I hope you'll read it! This is one of the first stories I've ever gotten close to finishing and I'm proud of that! Cause my FanFiction.Net account is a disaster and I'm to deep in to really ever continue any of my stories on there. xD I hope you really do like this though <3 -Posk

Ford kept reading while Bill was taunting everyone. He finally found a spell that he wrote down forever ago tucked in between the pages at the bottom left hand corner in a secret code he wrote. Bill glanced down at Ford who was starting to recite a spell he never even recalled telling Sixer. He started getting angry. Dipper on the other hand wanted to be so far away from Bill at the moment, but before he could do something Bill had grabbed ahold of Dipper and shoved him under something...that something being Bills top hat..

Bill stared at Sixer for trying that goddamned spell. "How'd you get that spell...?" He growled and banged against the barrier that kept him from tearing Sixer to non existent pieces. He had the nerve to ignore him.

He had to calm down before Sixer could figure it out. He listened to the hum of the barrier and the way the direction the magic flowed in. Bill concentrated on his magic while knowing his Pinetree was safe. That magical force he pushed out was enough to create a shattered crack in the barrier which caused him to chuckle uncontrollably. "Sixer your barrier might be better than Gideon's but this is so pitiful!" He started laughing while sending more pressure which shattered it, and caused the circle to disappear. "Have I taught you nothing?" He bursts out into a crazy laughter while shooting another beam of magic at the portal hopper.

"How dare you enter my dimension.... and touch my things." Bill growled and floated closer to Rick who just looked back at the demon with a blank face even though he may have been slightly terrified. Just slightly.

"Go back. And I won't hurt your grandson." That made Rick narrow his eyes. "The fuck did (burp) you just say?"

Bill snapped his fingers and finally appeared in the mindscape.


He felt another pull and growled. He'd be ignoring this one indefinitely. Another snap of his fingers and Dipper appeared right back into his "cage". Bill snarled in frustration and paced back and forth in the air.

Sixer had royally pissed him off. For fucks sake! He snarled to himself and watched the group frantically find another way to permanently summon him to their world. He needed to figure out a way to keep them from Pinetree for the time being.

Bill snapped his fingers once again and appeared next to Pinetreee who had been asleep on the non-existent floor like space. "Pinetree." Bill said annoyed while making him wake up. "Huh?" He said dumbfounded and glanced up at the ever increasingly turning red Bill Cipher.

"I want to make a deal with you."

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