Dreams of a Demon

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Authors note: just to clarify some things its about 5 months in the future from when Ford and Rick started working on the device and a lot has happened to Dippers mental state. He's been with Bill for almost a full year now, I also don't know why i didn't write it this way in the first place xd

It was cold, from what he could tell, very cold. Its been so long since he saw sunlight, he ached to see it again. He curled in on himself, hearing the chains rustle. He winced when they rubbed against a bruise that was given to him by...by... he refused to say that name now. He shuttered at just the thought of uttering the word.

What ever he was doing to him was working and he hated it.. "Oh pIne tREE!!" He closed in on himself when he heard the taunt. "Hows my favorite meat sack doing?" Bill asked as he popped into existence. Dipper glanced up and looked at the yellow triangle. "I need out, just let me outside for a few minutes...please..." Bill wanted to smirk, isolating him was definitely working. He still needed a fool proof way of keeping the kid reined in so he couldn't escape though, and with the way his pine trees mental state was in, what he had in mind would work quite well.

"I suppose I could offer up a deal..." He smirked and watched the boy pale even more. If that was even possible. "No...I don't..no deals...just let me go outside please!" Bill made a tut noise at him and patted Pine trees head. "You know how I operate Pine tree. Take the deal or you don't leave." Dipper let a sob loose for the first time in a year and glanced down at the endless abyss below him wishing he could just fall into it and disappear. "Awee is my Pine tree upset?" He heard him mocking. He felt the first bit of contact he had since being basically kidnapped. A thin black arm wrapped around his neck and he felt the monster lean against his shoulder. He wanted to pull away...he's never been so scared in his life. "Let it all out Pine tree." Bill wanted to laugh, at this rate he'd have a willing puppet and servant within a week.

"G...et get away from me." He felt his hair being ruffled again. "Ive got some things I need to handle. Ill be back again soon, Ill even give an extension on the deal so you have time to think about it. Huh, Im so nice. Aren't I?" Dipper nodded and kept his head down, hoping that the nightmare would just leave him alone. "Have fun my Pine tree!" The thing finally went away, and he just burst into a crying fit unable to hold it in.


(A few days later)

After that crying fit Dipper had somewhat renewed his energy for trying to escape him... and resumed his plans by first trying to get these god damned chains off of him..

Dipper had been using his feet for awhile trying to get the cuffs on his hands free. "Come on....please..." He mumbled desperately. "I need this to work..." he tried pulling even more. The pop in his shoulder and pain to go by should've been the warning to stop but no. He just had to keep it up.

"Pine Tree, that's hilarious that you think you can get out of those! Ha! Those chains are infused into your veins. The only chance of you getting out of them is me. And that's never going to happen." Dipper jumped back startled by his presence then he froze. "Infused?" He questioned while he looked down at the chains holding his cuffs. They looked like they were impaling his skin.

"Yup. Those chains were made specifically for you with my own magic. You should be honored I even considered the less painful option." Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Uh...why are you telling me this now?" He asked, slightly confused. "I'm bored, why else would I be telling you? I just love your adorable reactions." Dippers forehead twitched with annoyance.

"I'm not adorable." He mumbled and Bill awed. "Is someone grumpy? Awe. You're so cute!" He gushed and ruffled Dippers hair. "So how about we make that deal huh?" Dipper froze. "No..." Bill floated closer to the boy who was still in the position he found him in. "What do you mean no?" Dipper scooted away from his living nightmare. "I said no...I...I don-"

Dipper was blasted with blue fire, he was sent about thirty feet back, his head hitting the makeshift floor. He coughed and stared at angry looking demon. "Since you wont let me explain my deal Ill just go ahead and do that." Bill said reappearing beside his thing.

Bills eye smirked. "I need you to slip into a meat bags dream and mess with their emotions a bit. It's too taxing if I have to create a whole clone of you when I have the real deal right in front of me ready to do what I say." Dipper narrowed his eyes. "Hardly. I'm doing nothing for you." He growled.

"Oh please. All I have to do to get you to agree, is mention that I can harm your family." Dippers eyes widened. "No..." Bill chuckled and ruffled the kids head.

"You're so stupid it's hilarious. You really don't think any mental dreams have effects on you meat bags?  You'd be wrong. I could kill someone if I wanted to." Bill mentioned while lifting up Dippers hair to glance at the constellation on his forehead. "I'm being nice here and giving you an option to protect a loved one. If you don't take it. I have free rein."

Dipper was starting to freak out. "Fine! What do you want?"

"Great choice!" Bill said as he clapped his hands in joy. "I want you to be my willing," Bill rolled his eye as he worded it in a way that wouldn't scare him. "puppet and in return I'll grant you one day outside." Dipper glanced down at the concrete floor, in thought.

He'd get to see Mabel...tell her that he was safe and...He choked almost about to cry. But then he thought of the negatives. Bill using his body...for whatever reason....Mabel would be upset if he gave in and made the deal. Of course she'd be happy at first but, then once she heard how he'd got there she'd be furious and hate him...his family would probably shun him and kick him out...he'd be Bills... That thought made him shiver in fear.

"Do we have a deal Pine Tree?" Bill asked while holding out his hand. "On a few conditions." He stated, Bill started to turn orange and look annoyed but calmed down. "Fair enough." Bill said reluctantly and watched as Dipper struggled to make sure he had everything thought out.

"I want you to keep Mable out of this. She can't know about anything." Bill hummed in thought."I can work with that.. Anything else?"
Dipper shook his head and Bill would smirk if he could. "Do we have a deal then Pine tree?" Bill stuck his hand out and the flames appeared. Dipper reluctantly nodded and clasped the demons hand.

Thats when the most unbearable pain started.

(Edited part ends here for these chapters if you'd like to continue reading beyond this point for future reference beware that it might not make sense 👀)

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