Chapter 38: The King, Conanus & The Father, Null

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The radiant light faded around the Desolate Plains, as a single being stood in the centre. The castle and vibrant forest that once stood proudly was reduced to nothing but ash, the ground around the being was cracked and lifeless.

"Remember Vazoak, your sole purpose is to follow my commands. Now destroy Ejitope and contact me once you found the sigil."

Vazoak opened his eyes, revealing pure white pupils that pulsed with surges of vibrant yellow arcane energy. With his mission repeating itself in the back of his head, he began to walk to the Capital.

Deep below Conanus' castle, the scrawny man hastily gathered an assortment of vials of potions and various scrolls needed for the ritual. As for Conanus he was strapped to a stone altar with four candles placed on each corner of the altar. The scrawny man happily hummed as he drew his knife across Conanus' chest, peeling the skin backwards. He emptied the one vial over Conanus' heart before inserting seven small needles into the heart.

"Soon, soon everything will be in order." The scrawny man said to himself as a smile crept across his face.

When Conanus opened his eyes, he found himself shrouded in darkness, yet his body emitted a faint glow. He tried to step forward, but his body refused to listen to the commands he was giving it.

"Hello?" Conanus shouted, "Can anybody hear me? What's going on?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of Conanus. The time has come, the time to make your dreams a reality."

"Who said that? Reveal yourself before the king!"

"I am the father of the Calamities, and the one that will ensure that the Gods are torn from the heavens."

"If we are to be allies then face me. I like to know who I'm dealing with, only cowards hide in the shadows."

"You are gravely mistaken Conanus, we are not allies. We had a deal and now is the time for you to uphold your end of the bargain."

"I would have never made a deal with a coward, release me at once and I will consider letting you live for attacking the king."

"45 krosts ago you were gravely wounded. You were supposed to die, but I appeared before you, in this exact place and made you an offer you couldn't resist."

"Oh yeah and why is it that I cannot remember anything about this deal?"

"For my own protection I had your memories erased. Did you never find it strange that you know nothing about your advisor?"

"What does he have to do with anything? He has always been by my side."

"Only because I commanded him to. Regardless we are wasting time, and time is of the essence. Without a doubt the Gods have sent their new warrior and he will be heading towards the Capital as we speak."

"All the more reason to release me so I can rally my armies."

"If I release you, you and all humanity will die. However, if you lend me your body, you will have peace."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't, that's why I'm going to show you."

Conanus felt his body go cold as an image appeared before his eyes. It was a strange feeling for him, he was seeing through his eyes, yet he was not in control of his body. It felt as if he was watching a play through the performer's eyes. His body slowly stood up from the altar as the scrawny man knelt before him.

"You are finally in a body once more Father. You might be sluggish at first, but thanks to the medicine I've been giving Conanus his body will be strong enough to house you for a short period of time." The scrawny man said as he kept his head facing the ground.

"Raise your head my child, you have done well; however, we must gather the Calamities at once. The only way to get Judesis in Ejitope is to defeat his warrior."

The scrawny man stood to his feet, "I've already called the Calamities here, they should be waiting in the throne room already."

"Excellent, I would also like to invite Royland and his merry band of misfits to the castle."

Back in the throne room the Calamities had arrived and awaited the appearance of Null. Rising from the ground in a puddle of black, the scrawny man and Null in Conanus' body appeared in front of the throne. A silence hung in the air as the Calamities awaited their master to speak. Null stepped forward and raised his arms in welcome of his comrades.

"I am so glad everybody is here, we are limited on time. The Gods' warrior is approaching and I've heard that Arazach has entered Ejitope as well. Wrath, how quickly can you move your entire army to the Capital?"

"If I set out right this instant I can have everyone here in a vrot."

"Do not tire them as we will need them, you have two vrots to get here. Go now."

Newgate nodded as he turned and left the throne room. Null turned his attention to Grand Master who was staring out of the window.

"Greed, I need the believers to be exterminated. Kill them all, even those who surrender, we cannot risk a rebellion at a crucial moment in the upcoming war."

A sinister smile spread across Greed's face, "Finally I get a fun job, this is why I choose to follow you Father, with your aid my power will be endless."

"Lust, Vega; you two will split up and go to the north and south gates of the Capital. Take a battalion of 500 soldiers each and protect the gates. I have a feeling Arazach will be sending a welcome gift soon. And Lust take Sloth with you as well, he works best with you."

Vega nodded and walked out as Lust turned to Sloth tracing her finger under his chin, "Let's go my adorable pup."

The room now devoid of people, with the exception of Null, the scrawny man and the Calamity of Pride. Null turned to Pride and stroked his beard. No words were spoken, but after a nod from Null, Pride faded from existence.

"Very well now that all of that is dealt with, have one of your birds send the invitation to Royland in Gymont Thicket. Once you've completed that have the undead army be ready to move out. I would assume you have the tunnels all set for them to get into the capital undetected?"

The scrawny man nodded his head before melting down into a black puddle and seeping into the ground.

Null turned and sat down on the throne, "Don't worry Conanus, soon you will see what I am saving you from, and you will have your peace. Just you wait."

Back in Gymont Thicket a fox brought a note to Daeris for Royland, who had just awoken after being saved by Jacob.

"What happened?" Royland asked as Stain and Daeris entered the tent.

"You were on the verge of death, but a strange man found his way towards you and saved your life." Daeris said as she passed him a waterskin.

Royland took three massive gulps before placing the waterskin on the floor next to him, "Where is this man now? I wish to thank him."

Stain stepped forward with a letter in his hand, "He fell unconscious after he finished the ritual to save you. His been unconscious ever since. Before we get deeper into that, you might want to read this."

Royland took the letter from Stain and scanned over it, "This is not Conanus. I do not think it is a trap, however I do not think that this person can be trusted. Once the man that saved me wakes up, we will question him then make our way to the Capital. We will all go, but you and Daeris will remain hidden."

"Would you like to ask me the questions while we make our way to the Capital Royland?" A man said as he entered the tent.

Royland's eyes widened as he looked at the man entering the tent, "You!"

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