Sequal of the horse shifter trying to fit in
Willow has now taken over her fathers pack and enjoying the challenges just not the paper work.
But what happens when shes attacked?
can her newly found mate help her become herself again?
I sigh heavily breathing in the smell of paper and ink, pushing the papers away from me on the desk.
Standing up I stretched my arms as my bones grind loudly, rolling my shoulders walking out the office to find my mum and dad.
I walk into the living room seeing 2 figures snuggled up on the blue sofa watching Dancing with the stars on the flat screen. I smile softly creeping up on them before wrapping my arms loosely around my dads neck making him jump "Willow you shouldn't do that when your little brothers sleeping" he chuckles rubbing his face and kissing my cheek.
"love you too Daddy" before looking down at my baby brother Joe asleep bundled up in my mum's arms, sleeping peacefully, mum was falling asleep with her head resting on dad's shoulder, she stays awake most nights walking around to escape the nightmares she has from all the years of abuse even if shes safe she walks round.
I took over the Alpha position last year after i came home from the Alpha academy, there were only 2 other girls there so we beat up guys arses.
Dad still helps when I'm confused on what to do with big divisions, but other than that he enjoys time with mum and Joe.
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Prancing into the kitchen getting a glass of water, glancing out the window at the training grounds the warriors sparing each other some in wolf form and some in human,and my Beta Blake walking round helping and talking to them on how to improve.
Smiling I trudge up to the office, I collapse into my chair eating a chocolate cookie,looking over the papers
"Alpha?" someone says poking their head round the door
"Yes Jake?" I ask looking over my glasses
"Alpha John and Luna Beth wish for you to join them for dinner"
what?! it was lunch just a minute ago, I glance to my phone reading 6:30 well time flies when your doing paper work.
"OK Jake I'll be down in a minute, thank you" I smile, he bows his blonde head before shutting the door and his foot steps fade into the distance.
Left in silence with the rustling of trees outside, I place my glasses on the papers, I glance over at my little cherry blossom tree sitting on the desk, I smile at it before standing to my feet, wandering down to the dinning room.
I start feeling my wolf pushing through, I sniff the air smelling the ghastly smell of rogues, I let a ground shaking roar rip through my chest "get the children and women to the bunker now!" I growl.
Joe whimpers looking wide eyed at me, I'm pretty sure my eyes are the colour of my wolf, golden with silver in them, I run out of the door into the forest shifting into my golden wolf with black and brown markings, mid stride, my paws hitting the ground with force as I push myself to move faster, my lips pulled back showing my razor sharp teeth.