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Why do we life? I don't understand it! I know that's sounds a bit depressed... . But I'm a very positive person! Just sometimes I have my three minutes. You know what I mean?

So back to the theme!
Why do we life? Dose god create us just for fun? Okay I don't really believe in him, but what if he would exist? Do we exist to make something stupid so that he/she can laugh? Or for what?

Why so many demons in movie's saying that humans are perfect?
I mean I think that too, but I don't know why.

Our live don't make sense.

There are some people they are searching for their (?) big love or to protect their family. But why? All humans will die! It's hard but the true!

One time I was looking for pic's and I saw a drawing.

Live to dead: Why does everyone hate you?

Dead to live: Because you are a beautiful lie and I am the hurtful true.

It's kind of true. Live is also true not a lie, but I think you understood what I wanted to say.

I don't like to think about it, but sometimes, in the evening when I'm looking trough the window I think about it.

I like many things in this world.
Drawing, gaming, series, my friends, my family...

But I can't stop think about that.

We are animals! But we are the worsted(?) kind.
We just try to survive, I understand this.
But we destroyed so much... .
Football fields of nature.
The climate.
We have and had so many wars.
In our world is so much sadness.

And we do exist for that?

I can't belive that's all.
I want to believe that there is so much more in this world!

More mystic creatures!
More mysterious people!
More than our place!
Another world!
Were do exist demons, witches, angels,...!

Of course I can belive in that, but when I see the adults.. it makes me a kind of sad that they can't believe.
They are always saying that we will understand it when we get older and if it's true.. I want to be forever 15.

If god wouldn't want something like homosexuality, why does it exist? Why you can kissing another person if you are in a relationship? If god didn't wanted that why is it possible?

Isn't it stiupid?

And why should just one god exist?
Why couldn't it be many god's in a religion?

Maybe our god is a big bird with wheels and button as eyes?
And we don't know that?

So many things in this world don't make sense.

But one thing
in that I really believe is:

that in every story that
someone told you, is something true.

(My English might be a bit bad)

Philosophic thoughts~☆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt