Chapter Fifteen

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Loki and Percy arrived before Peter did. By the time they crash landed back at the tower Tony had managed to gather the rest of the Avengers. They were shocked at the sight they saw. For each person it wasn't the worst they'd seen, but the fact that it had been occurring right under their noses...

Percy was carried bridal style in Loki's arms, his own arms hooked around Loki's neck, face buried in his shoulder. His body was trembling and he still couldn't see.

"Bruce." Tony said. Bruce knew instantly. He stepped forwards to take Percy away to a doctors space where he could work.

Percy simply clung tighter, unwilling to let go of the person who rescued him.

"Percy, come on. Work with us here." Bruce reasoned. "We can't help you if you won't let us."

"No." He croaked.

"He's become attached to Loki, Bruce." Natasha supplied.

"If it is any help, he can't see either. He has become temporarily blind." Loki said, recalling what Percy had told him.

"What? How?"

"Pepper spray, he said." Loki pretended to know what he was talking about.

"Well no wonder he's attached. The only thing the kid knows for sure is that Loki saved him, and is on his side." They all understood now. Percy and Loki were not to be separated.

Then something struck them all.

"What is Loki doing here?"

"Why is he out of his cell."

"How did he get out of his cell?"

"I appreciate your concern for me, but Stark let me out." Loki said sarcastically.

"Stark, why would you do that?" Steve demanded.

"I didn't like it either. But the kid knows him." Tony shrugged.

"Knows him... how?" Natasha was positive Loki didn't have a teenage sidekick.

"Curiosity am I right?" Bruce said, the facts dawning on him. "He was curious when Loki was escorted past us and went fishing for answers."

"Bingo." Tony said, pointing at Bruce. "He's on to it."

"But even so, we can't let him stay in that condition over night." Clint pointed out. It wouldn't be a good idea to leave Percy's injuries untreated.

"I'll treat him." Loki spoke up.

"Yeah right." Tony snorted.

"He has no objections." Loki stated, hoping Percy would agree. He stayed silent. Helpful.

"Quit arguing. Just let the god do it. If anything happens we have more excuse to punish him." Another man spoke up from the corner of the room.

"Holy shit! When did you get here?" Tony jumped, turning to face Nick Fury.

"I've always been here Stark. Open your eyes."

"Whatever." Tony grumbled, folding his arms like a little kid.

And that was that.


Percy lay in the bed trembling. Everything was dark. His vision was slowly coming back, but it was still too blurry to see anything but shapes.

Which of course made the dark all that more scary. The curtains had been closed. When Loki had gone to leave him be and rest Percy had objected, keeping a hold of the fabric of Loki's outfit. So there he sat, beside the bed where Percy could still sense his presence.

Something shifted in the corner of Percy's vision and he jolted. His heart raced as he tried to focus on it. Was he back? He's back isn't he. Oh g-

"Percy, stop it." Percy swallowed hard, trying to control his heartbeat. "Nobody is there and nobody is coming. And if they did, nobody is coming near you while I'm here."

Percy nodded, but still couldn't stop shaking. He heard Loki sigh and stand.

He's not leaving is he?

"Move over." He stated.

"What?" Percy yelped as he was pushed further across the bed. The covers were lifted and suddenly Loki was there. He pulled Percy back until the teen's back was flush against Loki's chest. Percy could feel his cheeks flaming. An arm wrapped around his torso.

"I told you. Nobody is getting you while I am here." Loki stated. He felt the need to provide the comfort he never received as a child.

"I trust your words." Percy said, reciting what he'd said months ago when they first met.

"What a dangerous thing to do indeed."


This is like my fourth update in as many hours. I'll probably keep going until my parents kick me off technology... maybe...

Why is it that I'm better at torturing my characters than making them interact?



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