Chapter 5

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Ranveer's alarm went off, he looked at his phone and it was 7 am then he looked at Deepika who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He got up slowly without waking her up and got their bags ready quickly. Last night after what happened he texted his manager saying to book two tickets back to Mumbai and their flight was at 10 am, so they needed to get ready and eat some food, cause the way to the airport was 2 hours.

"Deepu, baby get up." He kissed her head and she opened her eyes throwing her arms around his neck.

"Hmmmm.... Good morning." She said with sleepy voice.

"Good morning gorgeous." Ranveer smiled and went for her lips.

"Come on get up, we are going."

"Where ?" Deepika asked.

"Home, last night I booked the tickets our flight is in few hours."

"Okay sure, let's go home." Deepika said with a smile and kissed his cheeks.

After some fun and cuddling in the bed they both got up, took a shower and changed into some clothes. Deepika wore a black nike workout pjs with a pink tank top and white nike shoes with no make up and her hair down.  Ranveer wore a plain white shirt with jean shorts and some black sneakers.

"I'm outside the hotel." John texted Ranveer, he was coming to pick them up.

"Babe, are you ready ?"

"Yeah, let's go." Deepika said.

"Make sure you didn't forget anything." Ranveer reminded her.

"Oh wait! I forgot my charger."

"Okay then, you go it get while I go put the bags outside." Ranveer said, then heard Deepika scream, he ran back to the room freaking out.

"Babe, What happ..end ?" He asked as he saw Nick in the room but he wasn't alone, a couple of his bodyguards were there.

"WHAT THE F****** ARE YOU DOING HERE!" He ran towards him but a big ass bodyguard pushed Ranveer harshly into the wooden floor.

"RANVEEEER!" Deepika cried.

"Why are you here ?" Deepika asked slapping him.

"I'm here cause we have some unfinished business with that boyfriend of yours." Nick said in a mocking tone.

"Mike, DJ grab him and make sure he doesn't make a single move." Nick told his bodyguards and they both held Ranveer down, "I told you man.... You would pay for this black eye you caused." Nick punched Ranveer hard in the stomach.

"Ranveer!" Deepika tried to stop him but there was no use. "Please stop." She cried.

Nick punched him few times in the stomach and the face which caused another black eye, then they throw him on the ground and started kicking him.

"RANVEEER!" Deepika screamed yet again and tried to stop Nick, but he grabbed her hair making scream. "Stop it you little girl."

"HEYYYYY!" Ranveer screamed and then got out of the bodyguards' grip and jumped on him throwing punches left and right. "DONT YOU EVER LAY A FINGER ON MY GIRL YOU ASSHOLE!"

John came in the room, "John! Please safe him... Please John." Deepika cried and pleaded.

"HEYYYYY!" John helped Ranveer and threatened to call the police which made them leave.


"There is nothing to worry about, you're fine just put this bag of ice on your eye and you should be." The nurse smiled and walked out of the room.

Nick and his bodyguards had left after John threatening  to call the cops but that left Ranveer with another black eye.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault I've shouldn't have accepted that bloody offer from the first place." Deepika cried and Ranveer took her palm and kissed it.

"It's ok baby, none of this was your fault we just didn't know how Nick Jonas  was a messed up man." He kissed her head trying to comfort her.

"I should be the one who was suppose to be comforting you now and yet you still do it." She laughed, it was a sad one.

"I love you beautiful." He kissed her and she kissed with passion and love.

"I love you too, more than anything and anyone else in the world. And... I'm sorry you had to get in fights because of me." She said with shyness.

"If I had to I'll even die for you!" Ranveer said. Deepika slapped his arm and they both laughed.

Soon enough they were out of the hospital and because they missed their plane John offered them to stay at his house for the night and they agreed.


They were in bed about to sleep. "Ranveer, What do you think we go to Bangalore to a few days and until then your black eyes and wounds would have heal by then."

"Yes, I'm not ready to be asked bunch of questions by the media and stupid headlines about what has happened!"

Deepika texted her manager and told her to book two texts to Bangalore. Soon they called it a night.


It was around noon when they landed in Bangalore and Deepika's father came to pick them up. Ranveer wore some sunglasses and a hat to cover up everything.

"Papa!" Deepika hugged her father.

"How are you my beautiful daughter ?" He hugged back.

"I'm good, you ?"

"I'm fine thank you, but what was this beautiful surprise ?!"

"Hi Sir, how are you ?" Ranveer said as he hugged Prakash.

"I'm good my boy, how are you ?"

"Fine thanks."

In the car...

Ranveer was in front and Deepika in the back with her father driving. Ranveer took off his sunglasses.

"Ranveer! Son, what happened to you ?" Prakash asked shock. Ranveer looked at Deepika throw the mirror before answering and she mouthed "NO" to him.

"Oh it's nothing, when we were in LA I've had a stupid fight at the bar." Ranveer said.

"Oh my, be careful next time."

"Yes Sir." Ranveer said.

Soon enough they reached the house and everyone wondered what happened to Ranveer,he gave them the same answer he gave Prakash. They just thought it wouldn't be appropriate to say he fought with Nick Jonas because he laid an eye on their daughter.

After staying for a couple of days and Ranveer getting better they went back to Mumbai, this was definitely gonna be an awful unforgettable trip. But knowing that there is a man who will fight for you is a beautiful thing and you should always love and respect him and maybe his jealousy too. ;)

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and thank you for being a part of this lovely journey. Loads of love xxx ❤️

Disclaimer: Nick Jonas was not meant to be shown as a bad person, it's just how his character is in the book. He's a nice young man and I'm personally a fan of him. 😊🤗.

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