Chapter 7: As You Walk Away I Count The Steps That You Take.

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Chapter 7: As You Walk Away I Count The Steps That You Take.

*Sydney’s P.O.V.*

I woke up to hear my phone buzzing. I blinked my eyes open and stretched a bit, careful not to wake up Liam, who was slumbering next to me. I checked it and was not very happy to see that my mom woke me up at 5:03 in the morning. Of course, it was only a bit past midnight in Georgia, where she was, but still. I opened up the text, my heart filling with worry and confusion as my eyes scanned over the screen.

Mommy♥: Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you honey, but call me when you get this. Xx

I slid out from under the sheets, carefully unwrapping Liam’s muscular arms from my waist without waking him. I tip toed over to the bathroom as I dialed my mother’s number, not caring about international fees. I knew that if my mom was telling me to call her it had to be serious. I closed the door as the phone started ringing. She picked up after two shrills. “Hi sweetie,” her sweet, heavy accent came from the other side of the line. I could tell she was trying to sound perky even though she was worried. She was very good at masking any negative feelings she experienced, but after nineteen years I’ve learned to see through her façade.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in a whisper, getting to the point.

“Why are you whispering? Is Liam still asleep? I’m sorry if I woke y-”

“Ma,” I cut her off seriously. I knew she was stalling, and I heard her sigh through the receiver.

“It’s your father.” I froze, not quite sure if I had heard her correctly. “Father” was a foreign concept to me. I had never known my dad, once her figured out my mom was pregnant I guess her just kind of fled. I never really minded it, except for in preschool when we had “Bring Your Dad to School Day” and I had to bring my mom’s best friend, Chris. Chris was like my father figure, and I had always wanted him and my mom to get married before I figured out he was gay. The way my mom explained my dad’s leaving was probably very sugar coated, but she told me that they were young (23, which I don’t find to be that young when there’s a show called ’16 and Pregnant’) and he wasn’t ready for a baby.

“He recently came in contact with me through Facebook, and well, he wants to meet you.” My jaw literally dropped. Like it just fell.

“H-he wants to meet me?” I stammered, struggling to keep my voice down.

“Yes. He’s coming over in about four days. I’ve already got your plane ticket set up and everything,” she explained. It was all way too much for me to take in: meeting my father for the first time, only having four days notice, leaving for God knows how long… It was quite overwhelming.

“Four days?” I repeated. “That’s all I have?” My voice was rising, but I couldn’t control it.

“I know it’s short notice, but it’s the most convenient time.” I knew she was a bit unsettled by the whole thing as well, but she wasn’t going to let it show.

“But I don’t want to leave!” I protested. In reality I was just nervous to meet my father, although being away from Liam wasn’t going to make me very happy either. I didn’t want to be away from anyone in the gang, especially now when we were supposed to be bonding and all after our losses.

“It’ll only be for Saturday and Sunday, sweetie,” she coaxed. I sighed.

“Alright,” I gave in, knowing I didn’t have a choice anyway. I may be nineteen, a legal adult, and living without my mom, but I would always be her little girl who would do anything for her. I was an only child, so I was all she had besides Chris. I could practically hear her smile through the phone. “But I don’t know how I’m going to break it to Liam…” I trailed off, twirling a lock of golden hair around my finger.

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