Speaking to The God of War

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Winter and I made it back to land.
Me: well we have a few hours before pick up, want to go for some food?
Winter: that sounds amazing
As I was walking I noticed something that got my attention.
Me: you can't be serious
Winter: what?
Me: you have a statue of Hera
Winter: how do you know that? There hasn't been a name plate on her even before I was born.
Me: you just know these things
The eyes then shot open, making Winter take a step back.
Hera: ah Y/N, I see you are doing well, even killed a Hydra
Me: hi Hera, I don't remember if I did or not, but thanks for sending the blades
Winter: what is going on here?
Hera: you haven't told her?
Me: been a little preoccupied
Hera: honey, could you give us a little bit of privacy?
Winter: sure
She walked off the the side
Hera: well...I needed to tell you the truth
Me: about what?
Hera: your past, those blades, Athena worked with one of your ancestors
Me: what?!
From no where the statue was hit, shattering it completely. I covered my face, then moved my arm to see....him
3rd POV
Ares: hello Spartan
Y/N tightened his fist and went to punch Ares, who easily caught the punch.
Ares: I'm not here to fight you mortal
Y/N: then why come at all!
Ares: because the world bores me, might as well talk to the only man in centuries that can finish a war
Y/N: I thought you liked war....I mean you started one after killing my friends
Ares: hahaha, not all of them
He motioned towards Winter
Y/N: I'll tear you a new asshole if you touch her
Ares: you can't even punch me, you're nothing more than a Kratos wannabe
Y/N: Kratos?
Ares punched Y/N into a building. Ares then looked around and smiled.
Ares: glad to see people have evolved here instead of Sparta
An orange light came from the debris,
Y/N stood up, his eyes were orange and he was filled with rage.
Y/N: you made a mistake coming here!
He ran towards Ares and punched him in the face. Ares then created a sword and slashed at Y/N, who caught his sword and punched Ares in the stomach part of the armor. Ares smiled and Y/N then used all his strength and kicked him in the face, into a building. Y/N's semblance then stopped and he went to his hands and knees. Ares came out of the debris, he then put two fingers to the left side of his mouth.
Ares: all of that for a drop of blood
Y/N got back up and went to punch Ares who simply just punched him, knocking him unconscious.
Ares: Spartan, I believe you had a great idea with that war, I believe I'll put all these kingdoms against each other.....and after all of this is done, and believe me, I know you'll get far...I hope they remember you
Winter then ran over and went to stab Ares. Her rapier bent the second she put pressure on his armor. He looked at her and smiled, he then grabbed her by the throat and tossed her next to Y/N.
Ares: I can kill you both now....but I want you to have the pressure of the world coming....like this
He lifted his hand up and grabbed onto something. Winter slowly looked up to see the moon shards began shrinking. They all started coming to earth like meteorites.
Ares: I hope you can survive this, this is the pan with no heat.
A pillar of light surrounded him and he went back to Olympus.
Winter: no....Y/N, you have to get up
Y/N was out cold, Winter grabbed his arm and dragged him to anywhere she thought was safe.
Winter: lets see....I know!
She went over to the docks and threw him overboard. She then jumped in with him, underneath the docks was a sewer entrance, a lot of people go there for drugs or gang conferences. She dragged him in to wait out the moon shards.

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