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Good news; I have a new story up, it's called "The Golden Princess", so if you're into Dragons and Pyrrha, the book is just for you.

I looked around, I just saw white. Then in the distance I saw a female figure.
Hera: hello Y/N
Me: Hera? What are you doing here?
Hera: I'm here to give you guidance, Ares will be staying in Midgard, but you need to go back to Sparta....those aren't the real blades of chaos, though they have the same power they are much weaker....I put the real blades under a floorboard while you and your friends slept.
Me: that would've been nice to know
Hera: I do apologize, but if I made Zeus think he had the real ones it would work
Me: thank you Hera.
3rd POV
Meanwhile in the Underworld, Hades was throwing a hissy fit.
As he screamed the fires outside rose higher and became hotter, the screams of the souls became much more loud and pained.
Persephone: calm down my big brute, you need to just relax
Hades: I CANT! You know how many souls were used to make that Hydra!? I kinda need those for my other things.
Persephone: then why not make the Kraken and crush him
Hades: souls woman! SOULS! I need more souls, if I want something to be that huge I need souls more than ever
Persephone: yeah....but what about the souls you have EVERYWHERE!
Hades:.....fine.......can you get the strongest
Persephone: why should I?
Hades: because I asked
Persephone: ugh fine
She walked off
Hades: fucking woman, needs to learn some god damn respect
Meanwhile with Y/N
He woke up, Winter was sitting by him.
Y/N: hey are you?
Winter: the moon is raining shards
Y/N: what....*sniff sniff*.....are we in a shit pipe?
Winter: only place that was safe
Y/N: well....I'll take that....listen, I need to go back to Sparta
Winter: not without me
Y/N: Sparta is not a place for people like you
Winter: believe me, I can handle myself
Y/N: it's a dangerous place though, and plus I'm heading back to my home
Winter: I'm coming with you
Y/N decided not to argue, the shards stopped falling outside and they both made their move for a boat.
Y/N: this paddleboat should do
Winter: how about this?
Winter pulled up with a small yacht.
Y/N: that could work
He quickly got on and went behind the wheel.
Y/N: now to Sparta!
Winter: what can I expect in Sparta?
Y/N: Cyclops, gorgons, Etc.
Winter: what's a Gorgon?
Y/N: a creature with the body of a snake, and the top of a woman, don't look it in the eyes or it will turn you to stone
Winter: do you kill it?
Y/N: reflections can be used to see her, cutting off her head is still effective, just don't look into the eyes of the dead head, it can still turn you to stone
Winter: do they have a leader?
Y/N: Medusa
Winter: what's different about her
Y/N: battle experience
Winter: oh....
Y/N: then you have sirens, there are two different types, one hangs out on the rocks, in oceans bringing in sailors with their songs, then you have the ones that are in Pandora's palace and the deserts, they are ghostly and go through the land gracefully.
Winter: so if I hear singing, slap you?
Y/N: yeah pretty much
Winter: that's good to know

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