The Fall

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(Y/N)- Your Name 

(H/L)- Hair Length

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(Y/N)'s POV

"Aph just wear this outfit!" "Yeah, it's tots casual and red suits you." "Travis did you really just say, tots?" Silence.

Then laughter erupted from the three of us. "Yes, I tots just said it because it's true." "I didn't realize we had a fashion expert in our little group." "Thanks, guys I think I will wear it. But uh can you guys tag along Incase something happens?"

Travis and I both looked at her. "It wouldn't be a date if we tagged along." "Aph have you ever been on a date?" "No.." I put my hand on her head. "Its, and I quote Travis, tots, fine! I've never been on a date before either." "Huh?!" They both said.

"That's hard to believe.." "What do you mean?" "You're so pretty, you've never been on a date before?!" I shrugged. "I have an overprotective brother." "Come on! I'm sure you've had a secret date before." I sighed.

"No guys, and when did the focus turn to me? Weren't we helping Aph plan an outfit for later today?" She giggled. "Yeah but know I have my outfit."

The rest of the period they kept asking me questions about my non-existent love life.
"Why do you two keep asking me questions about something that doesn't exist."

"Well, I'm sure there's a bunch of guys that would like to get a chance to go on a date with you." I looked at her confused. "Why? I don't think I'm anything special."

"Oh come on." "You're telling me no guy would fall for a girl that has (H/L) (H/C), with beautiful (E/C) eyes?? Your skin is flawless!!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"Hm sorry I don't see what's so special about me." I shrugged. "Whatever I'm sure our friends will agree at the lunch table." "Speaking of, I think it's time to go to lunch."

We made our way to the cafeteria after we finished getting changes into our regular clothes. "Hey (Y/N)!" I turned around and saw Jeffory. "Hey!" I stopped and waited for him, Travis and Aphmau kept walking to the table.

"How's your day been so far??" I shrugged and gave him a small smile. "It's been okay. What about you?" "It's better now that I got to see you again." I felt myself blush lightly. "Oh, how cheesy." He chuckled.

We made our way to our table and sat down. I was next to Travis and Jeffrey was to my right. Aphmau and Katelynn were across from me.

We started talking about our day and if we had any plans later. "(Y/N) can you tell your boyfriend to move over, wait actually why is he even sitting here?" "Dude, What is your problem?" "If anyone should be moving it's Nicole, why did you invite your girlfriend? Didn't you cheat on her like three times? I'm surprised she went back to you, hm but then again I guess she's not the smartest."

I looked at Dante and he looked shocked and hurt?

"It was actually two times but that's in the past. We're both happy in our relationship, now tell your little boy toy to move."

Jeffory stood up and walked towards Dante. "Both of you stop it!" Garroth stood up and got between both of them. "If you have a problem with my sister, you and I need to go have a talk. Outside." Dante stepped back and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He grabbed his things and left. "You have some nerve, can't you see he doesn't love you? Move on sweetie, you never had a chance."

I grabbed my drink and threw it at Nicole. "Oops sorry, it slipped! He was my best friend so I guess I 'loved him' in that way. Also, maybe you need to open your eyes too because he obviously doesn't love you either. He cheated on you how many times??" "Ugh! Whatever! Kawaii-Chan let's go!"

Kawaii-Chan didn't stand up. "Kawaii-Chan thinks that Nicole-Chan and Dante-Kun are in the wrong here. Kawaii-Chan will stay with her friends." "You better watch your-" "-Is that a threat?" She looked at Garroth and Vylad and hesitated saying anything back.

She grabbed her things and stormed off to the nearest restroom I assume. I sat down and put my face in my arms.

I felt someone rubbing my back, I looked up and it was Garroth. "So um. Are you two actually dating.?" Vylad asked curiously. "No." "N-no." Jeffory and I said at the same time.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Katelyn sigh in relief. Does she like Jeffory?? Oooooo, I see a ship starting to set sail!

Long Author Note

I'm back! After a cool idea, I got it gave me tons of inspiration to get to that point! ((And a certain someone I talked to a few weeks ago.. :) It's obviously going to be a secret because if I tell you know then that's no fun.

I feel so much inspiration!! This book will at least be 30 chapters so that's something to look forward to right? hopefully.

I'm also going to try and write longer chapters, on a book* that I've been secretly writing the lowest I've gone is 1156 words, which is still not a lot but I'm proud of myself.

I want to get on a schedule for this book because I don't see it very fair if I just randomly upload every once in a while. Also, a deadline will put pressure on me to get to writing. The publishing schedule will be up on my profile, the one up at the moment has not been updated, so bear with me.

Once I update it I will put •Updated Upload Schedule• or something like that.

I wanted to come back with a bit of drama in the chapter so I hope I delivered? I proofread two times but if I still missed something I apologize! Alsooooo since it's summer I'll definitely be able to write and upload more chapters! At least once a week, I'll try.

So anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. How do you guys feel about Dante and Nicole? They're being awfully mean don't you think? Maybe there's a reason behind it?


Anyways again, thanks for reading this chapter. Thanks for everyone who added this book on to their reading lists or library. Thank you to all the people that comment. Thank you to all the people that vote. Thank you to all the people that take their time to read it. I hope you're having a Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Night!

*this secret book is going to be a Sting Eucliffe FF :) so if you like/love Fairy Tail tune in? I'll publish it once I'm done with it. It currently has 19 chapters and more to come, want it to have at least 30 chapters like this book.

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