The Pumpkin Patch

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So you chose to go this way! Let's find out who you see!

(Y/N)- Your Name

(Y/N)'s POV

I decided to go to the pumpkin patch, that's probably one of the main attractions here. Maybe I'll find someone and stay with them.

I looked around and saw lots of people at different booths near by. "Can't believe they all left me."

I smiled once I saw all the small pumpkins, I definitely want to carve one! Since well I've never done it before. I kept walking towards them. I saw more of them, all sizes.

They were having a pumpkin carving contest and a pumpkin size contest as well.

"(Y/N)?" I sighed and turned around. "Hi Dante." I looked back at the patch, I knew he wouldn't leave me alone now that he found me but maybe if I ignore him he'll get a clue.

"Do you want one?" "What?" "A pumpkin, I mean you're looking at them pretty intensely." "I can buy one myself thanks." I saw him walk next to me. "I know. Do you maybe want to join the carving contest with me? You have to enter as a pair."

"As if I'd join with you. Besides I've never carved one before so I'm no good." I felt him grab my hand. "That's fine! You can draw the design and I'll carve. Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty good at it. I got second place in last year's contest with Nichole.."

His cheerful voice went down in pitch. He won second with Nichole? She's not that good at art and neither is he, how'd they manage that? I turned to look at him and gave him a big smile. "Then let's make sure to get first place! How do we enter?" "Woah really?! Alright! First place here we come!"

He pulled me towards a booth, he seemed really excited. I hope this won't be too bad. "Have I mentioned I really like your outfit? It's different from the rest." "Thanks, it's a Kiyohime!" "Japanese demon right?" "Yeah, more or less. So what kind of design should we do?" "We could do a day of the dead pumpkin, or maybe just a creepy Jack-O-Lantern?" "I kinda like the day of the dead idea better, is that okay?"

He gave me a soft smile. "Of course." "Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, Ghouls and Goblins! Today is our annual Pumpkin Carving Contest! You, the audience, will get to choose who wins! Not only based of the pumpkin but on how well each pair works together!" "We're going to lose Dante." "Hey don't be negative come on! We make a good team." "Yeah right."

"Everyone will get thirty minutes! The artist of the two will step up and begin drawing for ten minutes, and the carver will step up in the last twenty. When five minutes are left you will get reminded to hurry up if you're not finished! Keep in mind you will have to clean out the pumpkin as well." I looked at Dante surprised. "Are you kidding?! No way we'll be done in thirty minutes?!" "If the artist is done sooner the carver can step up and begin their contribution."

"Heard that (N/N)? Draw fast." "I was planing to anyways."

All the other artists stepped up and I followed to our pumpkin. There was a marker and wet wipes at the table as well. "Artist begin!"

I grabbed the marker and opened it. I started sketching out the base of a skull. Adding the eyes, nose and teeth.

I started working on the details, adding a floral border around the eyes and a small flower on the temple. I added lines next to the nose, getting smaller the further away. "You're doing great (N/N)!!" "I know, thanks!" I started drawing swirls around the left side of the pumpkin, a flower on the right and some small swirls. I looked up at the time, I still had six minutes.

I touched up on some of the details, adding or removing some lines with the wipes. "Dante I'm done!" I stepped back and he stepped up. Grabbing the tools next to the pumpkin. He started carving as I watched.

I looked at the other teams, they still had the artists drawing. I looked back at Dante and he had finished opening the pumpkin and cleaning it. "Ew that's gross." "Oh come on, it's just seeds." "Still, they're slimy."

He motioned me over and I went. "Hold these for me?" I nodded. I extended my hands and he placed the tools he was using. He was making sure he had finished cleaning the inside.

"The skull looks good." "You're the one who drew it." "Yeah but you really brought it to life Y'know?" He turned slightly to look at me, he gave me a smile. "Thanks." I felt my cheeks get warm. "Yeah Whatever.."

"Alright ghouls and goblins looks like all teams are now at the carving stage!! Team Dante and (Y/N) were the first to get carving!!" There was applause and cheers.

"Dante you can't fail, oh my god." He chuckled but continued. "There's so many people looking I'm a little embarrassed." "Here let me help." He stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"D-Dante?!" He had a small blush on his face, the crowd cheered and clapped again. "You're so dead after this.." He gulped. "Scary just like your big brother huh?" I nodded.

"Alright you have five minutes left! Start wrapping it up!!" Dante and I were wiping off any of the leftover ink from the marker. "Not bad Dante." "Thanks, couldn't have done it without you." After we cleaned it up we started cleaning our station. "Here I'll take your apron." "Oh thanks." He handed it to me and I walked down and put it in the box where we got it from. "I got the tools. But I left the paint can you get it please?" "Yeah sure." I went back up and grabbed the optional paint, which we didn't use, and went back down to put it in the box.

When we both went back up the time was up. "Alright are you ready to judge?!! Everyone please turn your Pumpkins around and let's begin!"

He started calling out the team names and the audience would clap and cheer. "The next team is Nichole and Gene!" Dante and I both looked over to our right. "Gene?!" "Nichole?!" "Hey Baby girl, sorry you had to get second best." Gene sent me a wink. I felt Dante grab my hand, he squeezed it a little. "No no Gene, if anyone has second best it's you hun." The crowd oooohed and ahhhed.

"Alright that's enough!! No tea today please! Audience what do you say?" They cheered and clapped loudly. I got a little nervous.

"The next team is Hazel and John!" They got even more cheers than Gene's team. "Last but not least! The crowd bias! Dante and (Y/N)!" They cheered and clapped even louder than the two teams before us.

"Well it's obvious folks! Dante and (Y/N) are the winners!!" I threw my arms up and let out a scream of happiness! "Woohoo!!" Dante picked me up by the waist and spun me around. "Told ya we make a good team." He set me down and we waved at the crowd. The announcer came by and gave us a pin. 'Carving Contest Winners!' We both pinned It ourselves. "Picture time, say pumpkin!"  Dante and I both looked at the camera and gave a smile.

"Thanks everyone for participating! The winner's pumpkin will be on display all day!" We walked down the stairs. "That was fun." "Yeah it was, cant believe we won!" He gave me a chuckle. "Thanks to you." "No, it's was a team effort!"

I gave him a smile and grabbed his hand. "Let's go to the corn maze next!" "A-Alright."

When we got to the corn maze we ran into Laurance, Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan. After doing the maze we went to the haunted house.

After the long ride and scares we went to the wagon ride to watch the fireworks. I was sitting next to Dante, happily enjoying his company like I used to when we were best friends.

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