Chapter Five

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Chapter five
(if you see any errors or spelling mistakes please tell me!)

Harry's POV:

    "Harry, if you abandon her, I will personally hire someone to slice off your nipples. I wouldn't do that personally of course, only because you're my son and I love you," Mum was rambling again. Once she starts, it's hard for her to stop, so I keep my mouth shut. "Oh my, I'm rambling again. What I'm trying to say is; just don't leave her. Take care of her, and the baby. I'm not overly happy that you have gotten a teenage girl pregnant, but there's nothing I can do to reverse it. Also, I can't wait to meet her! You have to invite her over, darling!"

    "Mum! Stop, you've been going on and on for the past half an hour. I get the point, will you let me take a bloody shower now?" I interrupt her talking. I'm happy she's supporting me and all, she just talks way too much and eventually you get headaches.

    Her face softens, "I'm sorry darling. Yes, you may go take a shower, but - "

    "- don't take up all the hot water. Yes mother, I know." I finish the sentence for her. She has been saying it ever since I was little. Every single letter and word was literally imprinted in my brain.

    I lazily drag my sore body upstairs. This day has been so stressful, I hope Amura is doing okay.


Amura's POV:

   I'm not okay. No, I can't do this. I thought I could, but I can't. Oh god, I'm stressing out again. What if she hates me more than she already does? Who am I kidding, of course she will!

   "Mum, can I please talk to you?" I nervously ask my mother, staring at my toes. I really need to cut my toe-nails...

   She looks up from her work papers and her frown deepens, "I honestly don't give a shit about your teenage struggles, Amura. Go away." Bitch.

  I struggle to hold the tears back, but nod nonetheless and grab my car keys. I can't stay here right now. I get in my car and drive. Where? I don't even know. All I knew was that I didn't belong in that house back there. It wasn't home, I don't have a home. Whatever a home is.

   The definition of a home to me was where you enjoyed coming back to after school, spending time with whatever family you had, inviting your friends over, a place to be comfortable in. My house didn't have any of these qualities. It didn't qualify as a home for me.

   I eventually stop the car in front of a red-brick house with glowing plants all round the front yard. Her mother always loved gardening. My mother despised gardening, so she always had a guy come in and keep it looking nice.

   "Amura, darling?" Mrs Deery all of a sudden knocked on my car window, "is everything alright?"

   I cough and shake my head, "I'm fine. May I come in?" I ask her whilst opening the car door and enveloping her into a bear hug. She laughs, and breaks the hug. Nodding her head towards the door, she takes my hand and leads me towards the house.

   I love this woman to bits, she is more of a mother than my biological mum is. My inspiration.

   "Take a seat, Mu," Mrs Deery patted the seat next to where she was standing. "I'll get us some ice-cream and you can tell me what is wrong."

   I opened my mouth to deny it, but she holds up a finger to silence me. "I know you, Mu. Something is wrong, it's okay to tell me."

   I silently agree. She is more trustworthy then all my friends at school combined. To be honest, I wouldn't even call them "friends".

   "Theresa won't be home for at least an hour, so you don't have to worry about bumping into her," Mrs Deery placed a large bowel filled to the brim with ice-cream in front of me. I gawked at how much there was. Mrs Deery really did know me.

   Crunchy ice-cream, "my favourite."

   Mrs Deery chuckles at me, "I know." Of course she did.

   Smiling from eye-to-eye, I dig my spoon into the creamy ice-cream and moan as it melts in my mouth. I would literally breath in this stuff like a drug if I could.

   "What's the matter?" She blurted. I sigh, setting my spoon down I tell her about how Theresa had blackmailed me into going to Harry's party, all the way up to finding out I was pregnant with Harry's baby. There was no point in lying because I knew she would find out anyway.

   Shocked would be an understatement to what Mrs Deery's face had printed. "Oh good Lord, Amura! What did I tell you about getting drunk?" She brought a hand to her mouth and started shaking her head.

   I understand she is protective and worried about me, but I couldn't help but feel hurt that she wasn't as understanding as I thought she was going to be.

   She must of read my thoughts because she responded with, "Amura honey. I understand you were drunk, when you should not of been, and ended up pregnant," She paused. "I am going to support you every step of the way, I am just worried for you. You need to think how you will plan out the rest of the school year."

   "I was thinking about online schooling, like kids who get home-schooled," I chipped in. It sounded like a good idea to me anyway. My mothers close friends daughter is home-schooled and she loves it.

   "That would be the smart path to take, but you won't be able to look after the baby alone. You will need support. You have me for sure, but what about the father?" A light must have gone off in that smart brain of hers because she quickly added, "Oh! Who is the father? You haven't told me yet!"

   You haven't exactly let me.

   I hesitated but spilled the beans anyway, "Harry Styles."

   It took her a moment, but she finally recognized the name. The only way she knew him was because she was friends with Harry's parents. Not because we used to be best buddies. We never were, never will be. I don't care if the baby is his, he's not my buddy.

   "I'm sure he'll support you, right?" Mrs Deery slowly asked. I nod my head in confirmation.

   She let's out a small breath. I can't help but smile at her. She was my best friend - just a tad older then what usual teenagers best friends are. I consider her the mother I practically never had considering my actual mum doesn't give a damn about me. Never had, probably never will. I won't be surprised if she kicks me out of the house when she finds out I'm pregnant.

   "Mrs Deery?" I softly ask, "What if mum kicks me out?"

  Softly smiling, she embraces me into a tight hug. "You can always stay with me, I promise."


So, it's been a few weeks. Sorry! I just had a bad case of writers block.

Anyway, I made an Instagram account for Year 11 Disaster (@caffeinestyles) and I was hoping you guys could chuck it a follow? If you do, I love you and thank you. I even started a hashtag. (#Year11Disaster)  :3 So that would be awesome if you could start trending it ;) ;) hint, hint.

I know my chapters are like super short, but if you guys vote and comment more I will consider putting more effort into making them longer! Not that I don't already, but ya know...

Last thing. If you have any ideas on what you would like to see happen in the upcoming chapters, just PM me, please!

All love from,
Cid. xo

Song of the chapter: Say Something by A Great Big World.

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