Yandere! Mastermind! Gundam Tanaka x Fem! Reader

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Requested by rosewhite13 enjoy!

Today is the day, today will be the day. I will....I will do it! I hesitantly walk towards the door to the male's cottage. My crush, I will confess to my crush.

"Gundam...." I cried. "Gundam, Gundam why?!"

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm a bad person."

"But I love you, and you declined my confession! I thought we had feelings for each other...." I looked down at my feet in disappointment. "I guess I was wrong..."

"No, it's not that."

"So you do love me?" I look at my crush in happiness.

"Of course I do, I don't think you would like me. If you.....found out who I was." The male looked away with a worried look on his face.

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"Well...." Gundam then grabs my hand and drags me to the middle of his cottage. "Please promise me this."

"Mhm." I crossed my heart in promise.

"I am the Mastermind."

"....Huh?" I was confused. I mean, I know he was the traitor, so, "Don't you meam the traitor?"

"No, I'm the Mastermind, there is a difference."

"Oh..." I nod, making note of what he said. I sound dumb, but I am more in denial if anything. "So that means you can stop the killing game, right?"

"No, I need to pursue my path."

"Don't do that!" I cried, "Please! I don't want to die! None of us want to die!"

"...." Gundam stared at me for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something, "...." but nothing comes out.

"Gundam..." I bravely walked towards the Mastermind I'm in love with, "would you spare me if I love you?"

"...." Gundam frowned at my question. He was unable to process it, and he might not know how to answer it either. "I...don't know. I think....it would depend."

"So," I laugh sarcastically, "if I were to kill someone right now, would you still spare my life? I, the only other person that ever loved you, executed."


"How would that feel?"

"I would care less." He said boldly.

"What....?" My voice cracked. "Gundam....I....I..." I could not take it anymore. Maybe doing that was the only way out. Yes (Y/N), do it.

"(Y/N), please don't tell anyone about this-" Gundam was cut off by my action. I pushed him onto the ground. He groaned from the contact his body had encountered. I jump on top of him, ready to beat the crap out of him. But instead, he dodges my attack.

"You made a bad choice." He said in an emotionless tone. Before I could say anything, he pushes me off. Then the most bizarre thing happened.

There Monokuma, the so-called headmaster, was about to attack me. My mind did not have time to think, I had to defend myself! Monokuma was about to use his claw on me when I kicked him in the stomach. The bear flys a few yards away from me. It was the worst decision I made, and I was going to regret it later.

"Everyone! Please head to the pool, immediately!"

It did not dawn upon me that I broke a rule in this killing game, until just then. I was going to pay the price.

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