We live life wanting the most materialistic things.
Chanel. Dior. Gucci. That's what we strive for in life. The temporary things.
BMW. Ferrari. Porsche. These are our goals to attain. Not the Akhirah. But only seldom realize that everything in this world is temporary. Surely the world was created for us, but rarely do we recognize that likewise, we have a Creator as well. A Creator who has explained that our only purpose in life is to worship and obey Him.
There are times when we worry so hard for what's going to happen in our futures. What our fates will hold. What job we'll be working at ten years from now. What house we'll be living in... and many more thoughts which cripple us, and hold us from reaching out to Allah (swt).
A Muslim should worry about the hereafter and what the outcome holds for us. The saying "You only live once (YOLO)" isn't accurate and deceives us into thinking of a lack of an afterlife. As humans, we have a fitra (natural innate disposition) to wanting a purpose within our lives. This purpose that I speak of, plays an important role in determining what outcomes we choose and how we play out our lives.
As Muslim's our purpose in life is simple. Please Allah (swt) and be a rightful servant of His. This life on Earth is a mere mirage. It tricks us into believing that we'll live to an old age, yet not one of us is promised that. Death is something that every single one of us can agree on. Whether you're an atheist, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, etc... death is something that we can all agree on.
In Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 185, it states: "Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion."
This Ayah within Surah Al-Imran tells us to ponder on how every single one of our souls will taste death. It doesn't matter if you are a believer or... not. Allah (swt) also tells us that we will be compensated for everything that we have done on the Day of Resurrection. Every good deed. Every strive for the love of Allah (swt). Every step we took forward in increasing our deeds. Everything will be accounted for. Next, we are told that fearing Jahannam and striving for Jannah, is how the believing Mu'min will stay away from the punishments of the hellfire. At the end of this Ayah, Allah (swt) refers to life in this world as the "enjoyment of delusion". Here, the Almighty refers to how, many of us will get caught up in worldly affairs, and forget that all of it is simply a delusion. A delusion which distracts us from death, God, and the Akhirah.
To the Muslims Out there
SpiritualIn this book we will cover several topics that are needed to be discussed in this day's society. We will explain how Muslims and anyone looking to seek information can come upon the correct path as Allah (swt) is Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving), and Al-G...