Chapter 1

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A Rose With Out Thorns

The Doctor was having second thoughts about Rose helping. 'Something could happen, and I would never see her again. I couldn't live with myself if something went wrong,' he thought. The Doctor's grip is slipping as his palms grow sweaty from holding on to the magno-grab. Nervously, he looks over at the young blonde.

She looks at him, and their eyes meet. She looks scared, and the Doctor's nervous expression doesn't help. Rose yells to him "I'm not sure I can hold on much longer!"

At that moment, the Doctor's hearts race faster than ever before. "You have to hang on! Not much longer!" he called back.

One of her hands slip. She screams, and a tear runs down her face.

"Rose!" Now the Doctor is not only fearing for his companion's life, but he is also slightly panicking. His eyes begin to water, but he blinks the tears away. He fears the worst. It almost seems inevitable. But then he gets a strike of inspiration. "Rose! Your TARDIS key! Grab it! It'll summon the TARDIS!" It's that or nothing.

Barely hanging on with one arm, Rose struggles to grab the key. She finally reaches it and the key glows in her hand. The blue box starts to materialize around her, and she is safe.

The Doctor breathes a sigh of relief, and then realizes his troubles aren't over.

A Rose With Out ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now