My Savior - Jeongin

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Y/N was at her school's library trying to finish her Bio project. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened at what she saw. It was almost midnight. She quickly packed her stuff and started walking home, when she suddenly felt a man following her. She took her phone out and texted the only person she knew would somehow, always come and save her, Yang Jeongin. He would always appear in her times of trouble and protect her, My Angel; is what she would call him. The man walked faster and caught up to Y/N. The man then grabbed her and Y/N tried to get away, but he was much stronger. As Y/N was struggling to get away from the man's grasps, something went passed her and grabbed the man. It all happened too fast, one second she was struggling to get away from the man and now she saw her beloved tear the man apart. 

"Aren't you afraid?" Jeongin asked, baring his fangs with blood on his lips.

Y/N knew that she should be afraid. She had just witness Jeongin tear a man apart and drank his blood. He had done it so swiftly, so quickly that she didn't know when he had appeared. She knew that she should be afraid, but she wasn't. Not with Jeongin. Why would she be afraid of her boyfriend? Because he revealed that he wasn't human? That didn't seem fair to him. Y/N shook her head, almost letting a small smile creep across her lips.

"I was afraid, not of you, but of him." she motioned with her eyes to the now drained corpse on the ground.

She saw his eyebrows furrow. He hadn't received this type of response, she assumed. How many people had he trusted with his secret who turned him away out of fear? She knew that she couldn't have been the first to accept him, but probably one of the very few to do so.

"Can you walk me home, please?" she wrapped her arms around herself as a cold wind blew. It was midnight and this winter night was a cold one.

She didn't know what to think when his confusion was replaced with amusement. Jeongin removed a napkin from his pocket and wiped the blood from his mouth and hands, before throwing it on the corpse, walking towards her.

They walked in silence, neither one knowing what to say to the other. As another cold wind blew, she moved closer to Jeongin, holding on to his arm as if it would stop the wind from cutting through to her bones. She shivered, mentally slapping herself for not having a jacket with her. Jeongin pulled his arm away and took off his jacket, placing it on her shoulders.

"But won't you be..." she started to say but stopped, seeing Jeongin smile.

"Cold?" he finished the sentence for her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and cocking his head to the side, "hmmm, that doesn't happen normally." he continued.

She let out a light laugh and they began walking again, his arm still around her. She moved her arm around his waist and leaned her head on him as they slowed down their pace. Finally, the mood around them had lightened up. It was starting to feel awkward with how they had been walking silently, both tense from the situation they just walked out of.

"You know, if I didn't know you, I probably would have been terrified of you," she confessed, looking up at him to see his response. He laughed and looked down at her, amusement still in his eyes.

"You'd have to be stupid to not be afraid of something like that from a random stranger," Jeongin laughed, "but I am sorry that you had to witness it...that you had to find out this way. I just...I was so angry when I saw that he had his hands on you..." his arm around her tightened.

"I'm glad you got there in time," Y/N said, smiling up at him. Most would see Jeongin as a monster, a devil, but her relationship with him was too intimate for that thought to even cross her mind. She had known him long enough to not let something like this come in between them. She began to think of all the times that he reacted to things weirdly and how she would laugh at him. Roadkill was something he could never handle, he knew it was coming up miles away. It stinks...I'm just sensitive to smells, he would say and she would wonder how he could even smell it from so far away. But she never questioned, she never thought to question it. She thought of all the times he would just appear behind her, how he moved so silently. Everything began to make sense. The more she thought about their years together, the more she wondered if he was the one who kept it hidden very well or if she was just naive enough to not notice it sooner.

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