Guesses - Felix

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I walked towards the cafeteria and entered while scanning the crowd, looking for my best friend, Felix. "Where is he?" I muttered. I walked towards my homeroom class and saw Felix sitting on his seat.

I walked towards him and gave him a little nudge. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." he replied as he sighed.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Mm-hmm," Felix nodded, eyes seeming downcast.

"Well, let me know if I can help in any way." I replied as I sat next to him.

His ears perked up as his head jerked up in attention, as if hearing me for the first time.

"Actually..." The look on his face was of expectancy, the corners of his lips lifted up by just a fraction of a centimeter.

"Is it that Hara girl?" A mischievous grin grew on my face.

His eyes suddenly widened. "Y-you know, it's alright after all. I'm fine. Really."

"Really? Then it's not that pretty desk mate or anything?" I guessed as I poke his sides.

The look returned to his face. One mixed with disappointment and amusement. I looked off into the distance, feigning my lack of concern on the matter. The sound of a snort reached my ears.

I turned my attention back to him and glared at him.

"It's nothing, I swear!" Felix said again as he put his hands up in defense.

I raised a brow quizzically, shooting him a look of suspicion.

"Really. It's nothing" he reassured me.

I spun on my heels yet again, prepared to head out the door.

I heard him snort again, this time managing to catch his wistful smile just out of the corner of my eye.

"What?" I spat with a hint of irritation in my voice, as I questioned him for what seemed like the umpteenth time.

"Nothing!" Felix's hands shot up in surrender, as his good-natured smile transfigured into a smirk.

My brows furrowed. "Is it that girl from Bio class?" I asked again as I walk back to his desk.

"What? No! Just- never mind." he denied for the umpteenth time.

"Then don't do that." I murmured.

Felix frowned. "Do what?"

"Get my hopes up then extinguish them, by denying all my attempts at a reply, all in under a minute."

"But I really-" he argued, "you know what, never mind."

"Really now," I hissed, in a moment's haste, venting my frustration. "I know I might not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but I know you're bothered about something. So just say what's bugging you."

"It's just a stupid girl problem!" he replied half yelling.

"I knew it! Nothing else gets you so upset." A silly, indignant smile was planted on my lips.

"You won't be able to help anyway." Felix's cheeks reddened. "It's supposed to be a surprise." he added.

"You know, I can probably still guess whatever spontaneous scheme you've got to woo that new girl in French." I shot a smile in his direction.

"Now don't go putting words in my mouth," A lovely crimson was flooded into his cheeks by now.

"It's the truth!" argued back.

"No, it's not." Felix huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

"Are you trying to say I'm bad at making clever guesses, right now?" I cocked a brow.

"No, argh," a grunt escaped his lips and his gaze flickered fleetingly to my lips.

"I give up." he sighed and ruffled his hair with both of his hands.

Slender fingers wrapped my wrist and tugged me close. His lips landed on mine. Gentle, yet determined to prove his point.

"I never said you were bad at that." He answered earnestly as he pulled away, a ridiculously cheeky smile growing on his face.

"Just really bad at guessing who I like," he gently lowered his forehead to mine, skin against skin. He continued, a twinkle in the depths of his irises, "I'll give you one last chance."

Felix leans forward, aligning his lips to my ear. "So, what's your guess now, Sherlock?" he whispered by my earlobe, his breath tickling the nape of my neck and I felt my cheeks reddened.

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