Rainy Days - Minho (Lee Know)

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They say that rainy days can be quite romantic, but for Y/N the day looked just like any other rainy day. Maybe because she didn't have anyone and could not see what was so romantic about rainy days.

Even if she tried, she could not see it.

Since moving from her hometown to the big city, she still did not have time to find any new romance. If in her hometown everyone would look at her with envy and a lot of boys would like to go out with her. However, here in the big city things were not like that anymore.

Even though she noticed some boys looking at Y/N, she was not really looking for any kind of relationship, at least not now.

She has only been a trainee for just a year, she knew she needed to still work and improve on her skills. Y/N knew that she had a nice visual, and she's quite good in dancing, but she was still lacking a lot on the singing part.

More than anything, that was her biggest fault. She wasn't perfect and she knew that. But, she also knew that working hard would be able to make her improve and be able to debut. And, just like what the company says "Anyone can make it, you just need to work for it".

​With that always in her mind, she would have strength to wake-up early in the morning and go to practice till late at night.

"Y/N try it again." her vocal teacher ordered.

Y/N was trying her best in vocal class, but things were not working like she wanted too. The teacher keep asking her to do it again and again, but she was still making mistakes. Her voice would crack, over and over again.

"Ok, next, Sarah, it's your turn" the teacher moved her attention from Y/N to Sarah, a senior trainee, but she was much more younger than Y/N.

Y/N knew that she auditioned a little later because her parents did not let her audition before, they said that her studies were much more important and that she needed to focus on them. And that's what she did, but as soon as she graduated high school, she got herself an audition and luckily she got in.

Even if it was hard, she can't see herself doing other things than this. She want to debut and perform on stage. She has been dreaming about it since middle school, she knows she need to give it her all in order to achieve that dream and failing is not an option for her.

On the other hand, Minho and his members were in their practice room, perfecting their debut stage.

"Good job guys! Today's practice was great." Chan beamed and turned to Minho, "Minho can I talk to you for a moment?"

Minho looked up at his hyung, "Come here." Chan motioned Minho to come. Minho knew that he was not 100% focus during practice.

"Did something happen today Minho?" Chan asked.

"Nothing," Minho replied and let out a sigh.

"You didn't give it your all like you normally do Minho. If something happened you know that you can always tell me." Chan said with a hint of worry. "Is something bothering you?" Chan asked again.

"No! Sorry it's nothing... I'm just not in a good mood today, I guess the weather got to me." Minho replied, "I'll work harder in the future.."

"Alright, let's go. I hope that you're in a better mood tomorrow." Chan said while smiling at Minho, he put his arm around Minho and patted his shoulder, "Don't forget that we're having our debut stage soon. Let's focus on what's important. Alright?"

"I will, there's nothing more that I want than to do a good job on our debut stage," Minho replied.

"Alright let's go and take a 15-minute break, before going back to practice." Chan turned to the other members and all of them cheered.

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