Chapter 3

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Harper's POV
So I am being adopted by Jake and Erika! I don't know their last names because we never spoke about that. But I'm super happy that I'm finally being adopted! I've been to many different houses but I've never stayed I've always come back to the orphanage. I've packed my special teddy that I was given to at birth it's the only thing that reminds me of my parents.
I've finally finished packing! Now I can meet Jake and Erika properly! I wonder what their house looks like?! And who they live with if they live with anyone?!
I was brought out of my thoughts by me walking into Jake.
"Oops! Sorry Jake!" I said
"It's absolutely fine Harps!" Jake said
"Harps?" I asked
"Nickname!" Jake said
"Oh ok! I like it!" I exclaimed
"Right let's go the shall we?" Erika asked
"Oh right yes! I'm so excited!" I screamed
"Haha calm down!" Jake laughed
"I'm sorry!" I said sorrily
"It's fine!" Erika said

Erika's POV
So I'm really excited to tell Team 10 and show Harper to them! Harper is super cute! I was thinking that me and Jake would take Harper to the apple store and buy her some devices. Me, Jake and Harper all walked to jakes Tesla and got to know each other better, but we still haven't told Harper about Team 10. We really need to!
"Hey Harper?" I ask
"Yes mo-Erika?" Harper stuttered
"Aww that's so cute how you almost called Erika mom!" Jake squealed
"It's ok if you do call me mom and hake dad because we basically are your parents! But you also don't have to!" I exclaimed
"Ok thanks! Anyways what were you going to say?" Harper said
"Oh yes! Would you like to go to the apple store and get some devices for yourself?!" I asked
"Erm... sure? I mean I haven't got a phone so sure!" Harper said

Skip car journey
"We're here!" I exclaim
"YAY!" Harper screamed
"Wow! Your excited! How come?" Jake asked Harper
"I'm excited because this will be my first ever phone!!" Harper said
"Wow! Well in you go!" I said pointing to the door
"Yay!" Harper screamed
"Jake stay behind a little bit so I can talk to you please!" I said to Jake
"Sure thing babe!" Jake said "What's wrong?"
"We need to tell Harper and Team 10 about each other! Otherwise Harper might not trust us as much!" I said
"Yeah do you want me to text them on the Team 10 group chat?" Jake asked
"Yeah sure thing I'll go catch up with Harper while you do that!" I replied
"Ok!" Jake said and stopped walking

Jake's POV
Text POV
🔟Team 10🔟
Jake🇺🇸: Hey Guys! I know me and Erika didn't tell y'all where we were going this morning! We r at the apple store with our little girl!
Nick🇬🇧: Hey! What do you mean by 'our little girl'?
Chance🐨: Yeah what's that all about?!
Anthony🐷: WHAT?!
Jake🇺🇸: We'll explain more when we get home!
Everyone: Ok talk to y'all later!!
Jake🇺🇸: Byeee!!!!
Everyone: Byeeeee!
End of text POV
I run up to Erika and Harper to find they have a basket already half full. It was full with: rose gold IPhone X, sparkly rose gold hard proof case, rose gold iPad, sparkly baby blue hard proof case, rose gold Mac book, rose gold Mac book bag, blue iPod touch, blue sparkly case and tons of things extra such as: headphones, pop sockets, extra phone cases, earphones, extra charger cables etc. I ran up behind Harper and shouted boo!
"BOO!" I yelled
"AHHHH!" Both Erika and Harper screamed

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Comment what I should do for a chapter later on in the story!

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