Hey guys! I soooooo love this story idea!!!! I think you all will love it too!
Honey I Can Kick Your Ass Anytime, Anywhere!
Chapter 1
"Okay! Next are Tess and Seth!" Mr. Slash, our combat instructor announced. Unlike most schools, or, any school, actually, there are only three teachers who teach normal things that normal people learn in our school. In total we have 10 teachers, 7 security agents, 2 combat refs (referees), 1 headmaster, and 5 combat teachers in training.
I walked up onto the combat stage. I checked all my padding and made sure they were secure. I walked to the center of the stage, put my mouth guard in my mouth, then shook Seth's gloved hand, which if you ask me, I have done way to many times!
"Ready, Set, COMBAT!" the ref yelled.
Seth took the lead by advancing on my while I backpedaled. We got close to the wall when Seth took the first punch at my eye. I swiftly ducked and his fist connected with the wall. I crouched down and swung my leg towards his feet, knocking them out from under him and sending him crashing down onto his face. I jumped behind him and he did a back walkover and advanced on me again. He faked a punch at my face and got me in the stomach instead, which sent me flying to the other half of the stage. Seth ran towards me but, I stayed down and brought my knees into my chest and my feet flat up. Once he was about to sit on me (which is oddly how you win) I propelled my legs at him and sent him flying against the wall. He smashed into it and landed flat on his face. I ran over and was about to sit on him when he flipped over and grabbed my arms. He swung me over his head and I landed swiftly on my feet. I advanced on him this time and he backpedaled. I got him pressed against the wall, faked a punch at his face and sent my leg flying up at him, hitting the bottom of his chin. His head went up and I punched him in the gut. I sent a kick at the side of his knees and he jumped out of the way. He tackled me to the ground and sat on my stomach. The ref blew the whistle.
"Ugh," I said while Seth was sitting on me, "You know you weigh a lot more than you look" I said
"You'd think that by now you'd enjoy having me on top of you all the time." He said, smirking through his mask and getting off of me. He held a hand out for me and I took it (this is part of our grade: sportsmanship.)
"Good job you guys," Mr. Slash started, "That's all for today." he finished
I walked over to my closets friends, Bianca, Lexie, Travis, Aaron, and Silver.
"Good job, Tess, you'll beat him next time!" The always encouraging and hyper Lexie said.
"God, next time I'm just going straight for the easy win!" I said in anger and frustration as we walked to Columbia Hall. Columbia Hall is basically a dormitory building but, we all have our own bedroom and bathroom. Everyone's room is designed by their parents and we don't get any input. Everyone's room is amazing! 22 bedrooms, 22 bathrooms, all designed by parents, yet they're the most amazing rooms ever! (All bedrooms shown below!)
I took my keys out of my pocket. I unlocked the first deadbolt, then the second deadbolt, and then the door knob. My mom and dad were always making sure I'm safe with this bullet proof door and locks impossible to pick or break! I walk into my room and over to my coat hanger in the far right corner of my room I hung my back pack and jean jacket on it and then I went to my dresser. I pulled out one of my 16 (yes exactly 16) bikinis and changed into my favorite green one.
Knock Knock, Knock, Knock! Came from the front door. That must be Aaron, Bianca, Lexie, and Travis.
I unlocked the door (which automatically locks upon closing) and sure enough there they stood in their swimsuits.
"Well don't just stand there like plants! Move your asses in here!" I said through giggles.
They walked in giggling and laughing. They all set their towels on my table and as Travis was walking back towards my pool I ran from behind him and pushed him straight in but, not before he had hold of my wrist and yanked me in after him. Once I resurfaced, I said, "You BUTTMUNCH!" I yelled at him
"No way! It is so not gentlemen like to pull someone into a pool!" I said in my mock sophisticated voice
"Who said I was a gentleman?" Travis said. Travis put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me under! I kicked him and he let go. I came up and jumped up to reach Travis's-who is 6'0 and me 5'4-shoulders and I dunked him under! I held him under until I figured he'd be unconscious soon! He shot up for breath so fast and then he looked at me, "This means WAR!" he yelled and began chasing me through the water. I got to the edge and swung up quickly. I ran to the wall and then I ran back at the pool, jumping straight over Travis, and said, "In your face!" landing with a big cannonball followed by a gigantic splash!
I splashed through the surface and announced, "I WIN!"
Travis just looked at me and then sighed in defeat, "Fine, but only because I'm tired of chasing you."
"Yay!" I yelled and looked at my friends who were watching our war this entire time, and they were all doubled over laughing.
"Dude...you...just got...beat...by a...shrimp!" Aaron said though his laughter and tried to catch his breath. I ran towards him and flung him into the pool! When he surfaced I said, "OH YEAH! WHO'S THE SHRIMP NOW?" I yelled while we all laughed at Aaron-who is 5'9 and 200lbs (all muscle)-because he was whipped into the pool by a tiny, fragile looking squirt!
Knock, Knock, Knock! Came from the door...
Okay, guys that was chapter one! Let me know what you think!!! COMENT, VOTE, AND FAN!!!!
<3 Kenzi
Bedroom links:
Tess: http://interiordesigningblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/amazing-bedroom-interior.jpg
Bianca: http://www.decorpad.com/photos/2009/05/01/6cadcbb6dffb.jpg
Lexie: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_L-deInbQA9c/S0Ll1xUBS7I/AAAAAAAAFvo/bE44bIeEodg/s640/hot+pink+teen+bedroom.JPG
Silver: http://www.house-decorating-ideas.com/rateimages/TeenGirlsBedroomPurple.jpg
Aaron: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Z5ltdcb_9X0/SKsK2QiRA0I/AAAAAAAAADs/D26Xi-aJ2lk/s1600/__Sealike___Bedroom_by_rOSTyk.jpg
Travis: http://www.stevenmietelski.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/untitled-1.jpg
Seth: http://freshome.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/master_bedroom.jpg

Honey, I Can Kick Your Ass Anytime, Anywhere!
Teen FictionTessa Hash has gone to CSCSA, Combat School for Children of Secret Agents, since she was 14. Shes now 16 and going on her first mission in the Aamzon. Shes been waiting her entire life to go on a mission other then with her parents. The only problem...