Honey, I Can Kick Your Ass Anytime, Anywhere! *6*

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Hey guys! I’m gonna fast forward a little of the story so this is the night before they leave.  Let me know what you think!

<3 Kenzi 


(The night before Tess and Seth leave for the Amazon)


 Honey I can Kick Your Ass Anytime Anywhere!

Chapter 5

Edited by LeighD123

I walk down the hall to visit Bianca in her room and ask if she wants to come to Aaron’s room for a movie night. I already asked Lexie and Travis because they have the closet rooms to me, but Bianca’s is on the other floor. I walk up to her heavy bolted metal door, (yeah we all pretty much  have doors like that; paranoid parents, what can you do?)

“Bianca,” I say after knocking twice.

“Coming!” she calls back and then I hear all the bolts turn and the code being put into the padlock.

“Hey, girlie! What’s up?” Bianca says when she can finally see me and can give me a hug.

“Wanna come to Aaron’s room tonight for a movie night?” I ask her.

“Sure!” She says enthusiastically. “Who else is gonna be there?” She asks.

“Just the rest of the gang I think, you know Lexie, Travis, Me, and Aaron, of course.” I reply.

“Cool. What time?” She asks.

“Umm, like eight-ish.” I reply.

“’K. Hey, do you want me to come over and help you pack later?” She asks.

“Yeah that’d be great.”

“six-ish?” She asks.

I peek at my watch. It’s 4:22. “Yeah, that sounds perfect!” 

“Okay, I’ll see ya later then.”

“Okey dokey!” I say as we give each other a quick hug and I head back to my room.


Later that night


‘Knock, knock, knock’ I knock on Aaron’s door and within a matter of seconds it’s thrown open.

“What, were you standing right in front of the door?” I laugh and I roll my eyes.

“No,” He mumbles back embarrassed and not meeting my eyes.

“Haha sure you weren’t,” I laugh at him.

“Whatever!” He says and rolls his eyes and I giggle at him as he moves aside and lets me walk through the door.

“Okay,” I say as I take a seat on the corner of his bed, “Movie night, tonight, Lexie, Travis, Me, and Bianca. We’ll be over at eight o’clock!” I smile at him and hop up.

“Wait what?!?” Aaron says to me.

“I’ll see you at 8! Don’t forget to pick up the movies!” I say and then shut the door behind me quickly before he can ask anymore questions.

Haha! I laugh to myself as I skip down the hallway and to the elevator that leads to my floor.

I press the white button and wait for the doors to open and soon enough they do. I step inside and press the button next to the number 6 and then the little blue button that closes the doors. Next I press my thumb onto the scanner…can’t have any creeps getting past the two sets of security posted on the first level.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2011 ⏰

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