Give it a Chance Ch. 5

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Give it a Chance, a SonAmy story

Chapter 5


"So how are you and Amy doing?" Tails asked Sonic. It was a typical Saturday afternoon. The brothers were hanging out in Tails' workshop, the older and bluer of the two reclining on a workbench.

"Oh, we're just fine," Sonic said quickly, keeping his eyes closed. "Why do you ask?"

Tails cast a sideways glance at him. "Oh, just wondering. You've been acting weird lately and I was thinking it might be because of her."

Sonic opened one eye. "Weird? Whaddya mean weird?"

"Well, not really weird. Just different. More thoughtful," Tails clarified.

Now both emerald green eyes were focused on Tails as Sonic jumped down from one of the only clutter free work benches in the workshop. "There's nothing wrong with me, and if there was it certainly wouldn't be because of Amy," Sonic said firmly.

"Oh, okay," Tails said, but had to turn back around to hide a knowing smile. Still in denial...but he so likes her. "So have you two kissed yet?"

"You little...You nosy little squirt!" Sonic spat.

Tails couldn't help but giggle as he glanced back at his big brother, not at all surprised at the blush now covering his muzzle. "Oh, Sonic and Amy, sitting in a tree!" he sang and laughed. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Tails! We have not kissed, for your information!" Sonic protested through gritted teeth, though his face felt like it was on fire.

The fox gasped. "What? Why not? You've been dating her for a month now."

Sonic crossed his arms. "3 weeks."

"And how many hours?" Tails continued teasing him.


"What are you waiting for, anyway?"

Realizing he didn't have a good, solid answer to this ('I chickened out' and 'I just don't like her' wouldn't suffice for obvious reasons), Sonic frowned. "I - I - What do you know about girls anyway?" Sonic snapped. "When are you going to kiss Cream, Miles?"

The fox blushed and fidgeted at the use of his real name. "Don't you have a date you should be getting ready for, Sonic?"

"I do. And at least I'm not scared to admit that I like someone."

Tails' mouth dropped about a foot at this accidental confession, but Sonic zipped out the door before he could see the fox fall to the floor and start laughing. Oh he finally admitted it.

Sonic just had to get out of there and quit while he was ahead. Ok, so he'd admitted it. Barely, accidentally, sure. Fine. But it'd only been because he was flustered from being teased by his little brother. Sonic did not like being teased, especially about one of his few weaknesses. He knew better than anyone that he was developing (at the very least) a soft spot for the pink hedgehog. This much he would even admit to Knuckles.

Of course, he'd always cared about the girl. She was just so...quirky. Amy was the sweetest girl he'd ever met, and yet it didn't take much to get her temper flaring. Sonic smiled to himself as he recalled all the times she'd had a temper tantrum and made some serious dents in Eggman's robots. This girl could certainly take care of herself. And when she did get mad, her face got all scrunched up and she looked so cute...



You like Amy. It's practically official now. You told Tails and there's no way he's gonna keep it a secret. Now admit it, be honest with yourself.

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