Chapter 10

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Sarah’s POV

I was over the moon. Liam and I, well, I guess you could say we were together. I definitely thought we were after that amazing song we had. My worries were over. That was until, the concert finished.

I hadn’t thought through the attention we would receive after our performance. We were walking out backstage, after the boys had a meet and greet with some fans who won a competition on the radio. Liam and I were hand in hand, with massive smiles on our faces. Harry joked around saying that our faces would be frozen forever in smiles, but I didn’t care. However, Liam’s face soon became a frown when the opened the back door. I was blinded by bursts of lights, and I soon realised we had been surrounded by the media.

“Sarah! Sarah!” they called, or, “Liam! Liam!” It was never ending. They wanted to know every single detail, if the whole thing had been a staged performance to gather even more attention. The boys’ bodyguards soon went into emergency mode, and they attempted to shoulder their way through to make a pathway to the cars. Louis however, stopped to address them

“Hey!” he yelled. The cameras swivelled around and zoomed in on his face. “Can’t you give them a break? Surely you’re tired from covering this whole story over the past however many days? Can’t you give them some space? They’re happy now, and nothing else matters.”

I went and hugged Louis, and Liam joined in. The bodyguards came and escorted us to the cars.

“Wait, where’s Meg and Fran?” I asked Zayn as we got in. my question was soon answered as the bodyguards began to try and shut the door. Meg and Fran were trying to make their way through the congested crowd of snapping cameras.

“Paul, they’re with Sarah,” Liam said. One of the bodyguards, I’m guessing Paul, soon had Meg and Fran inside the car. Meg was one decibel off fan-girling when she got in the car.

“Oh my god! This is amazing! I’m so excited, I get to meet One Direction! Where are we staying? Is it really cool?” Meg babbled. Liam and I looked at each other and laughed.

“So Sarah, is there any chance of you know, an introduction?” Fran piped up through Meg’s squeals. I laughed, and started introducing everyone to Meg and Fran.

“Well, I’m guessing you gathered that this is Liam, seeing as I’m holding hands and all with him. Right next to you is Zayn, who I taught to swim at Green Island. In between you and Meg is Niall. He’s the one who actually caused me and Liam to meet after spilling food on me. Next to Meg is Louis, and in the front is Harry,” I finished.

“What, no little biography for us?” Harry said. I laughed.

“Ok, well, Louis likes carrots…” I began before they burst out laughing. “And Harry is a flirt,” I continued. Harry threw a cheeky smile at Fran, who promptly rolled her eyes. I sniggered. No way would Fran fall for that. If Harry even had a clue about my best friend, he’d have to work harder if he liked her.

 The boys soon began to talk about how well the concert went, and I lost track of the conversation. I smiled as I rested my head against Liam’s shoulder, absolutely exhausted from the day’s events.

Liam’s POV

I glanced down at Sarah. Her dark brown hair had tumbled over, hiding her face. I gently brushed it back.

“You all right?” I quietly asked. I didn’t want to draw attention from the others. Her lifted her head and smiled at me.

“Yeah, I’m alright,” she said, “I’m just exhausted from everything. It’s been a crazy past few days.”

I nodded in agreement. I totally understood. She wasn’t used to the attention.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got a day off tomorrow. Plenty of time to rest,” I said. She smiled. It wasn’t until the car stopped at the hotel that I realised she had fallen asleep on me. I gently woke her.

“Wakey wakey sleepy,” I said. She blinked groggily and looked around. She suddenly sat up straighter, as if she was alarmed about something.

“Sarah, what’s wrong?” I asked. She looked around and saw the others heading up the stpes into the foyer.

“Wait!” she yelled. “Zayn!”

Zayn turned, confused. Sarah continued.

“Where are Meg, Fran and I sleeping?” she yelled. Zayn’s mouth formed an ‘o’.

“Oops,” he said. I laughed as I walked with Sarah up to join them. She reached for my hand, and entwined her fingers through mine. We reached the floor that we had to ourselves, and went in the closest one. We had to figure out sleeping arrangements.

“Okay, we have numbers 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52,” Harry said to us, holding up the keys.

“Shotgun sharing with Meg!” Fran yelled. Sarah must have done something, maybe a discreet punch in the arm, because I heard Fran quietly say “Ow.”

I snickered very quietly. Harry and Louis wanted a room together, and Zayn wanted a room to himself. The bodyguards were in another, which left me and Sarah left.

“You so did this on purpose,” she accused Fran. Fran shrugged coyly. Sarah sighed loudly and threw her hands in the air.

“Come on Liam, let’s go have some fun in the bedroom,” she said loudly. They laughed, and I must have blushed, because Louis started singing.

“Sarah and Liam sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the concert, second comes the hand-holding, third comes the naughty business,” he sang. Everyone burst into laughter. I hit Louis hard in the shoulder. He laughed. I followed Sarah out of the room, laughing our heads off.

We entered number 52.

“I was kidding you know,” she said as I placed our bags at the door. I nodded.

“I’m not rushing,” I said. She smiled, and turned around. She crossed her arms and huffed. I looked over her shoulder to see only one bed.

I growled under my breath, “One day Louis.” Sarah laughed.

“Liam, it’s alright. Just take the long body pillow and place it down the middle. Problem solved,” she said as she went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I ran next door into Louis and Harry’s room. They of course, had two single beds. They saw my face, and Louis fell off the bed laughing.

“One day Louis,” I said. He laughed even harder, before attempting to calm down.

“You’ll thank me later,” he said, before he burst into hysterics again. I stomped out of the room, to see Sarah in her pajamas.

She giggled. “Did you seriously just stomp Liam? I thought only little kids in movies did that,” she said, before she came and hugged me. “I don’t care about the sleeping arrangements. We’ve sorted out everything. That’s all I care about right now, that you and I are finally together.”

I hugged her back, smiling into the top of her head. She was right.

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