Akuma x Reader: A Shared Pain

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A/N: Requested by Eboni-Napalm :) Hope you like it! I had to do a bit of research to get some inspiration, haha.

The white petals of the dying sakura tree fell around your resting body. The air was filled with a dewy sweetness, but the chill of the oncoming winter nipped the interlaced tips of your fingers. You sighed. Winters were always so lonely.


Your thick lashes slowly opened, the snowing petals solemnly greeting you. You sat up in a sleepy daze and looked across the yellowing field of grass to see your father standing firm with crossed arms. You knew that look: he was not happy. You pursed your lips and stood, reluctantly making your way towards his intimidating frame.

"Yes, father?" you said, your eyes refusing his intense gaze.

It was always hard to meet his dark eyes. I mean, this was the great master Goutetsu after all.

"Come," he said, promptly turning around and walking away.

Wait, what? He...wasn't angry with you? You were shocked, relieved, and confused all at the same time. Nevertheless you trotted after him, your curiosity biting at your mind.

After a long, uncomfortably silent walk, your father finally stopped in his tracks, you almost bumping into him. You curiously peeked from behind him and almost immediately felt your cheeks burn. There in front of you stood two young men, around your own age, who wore gis that graciously showcased the toned nature of their muscular arms. They were both quite handsome, but one of them in particular had quickly caught your eye.

"(name), I'd like you to meet Gouken and Akuma. They will be my disciples from here on, so I expect you to take care of any of their needs. Understood?"

You came out from behind your father, your hands already positioned in front just like you were taught, "Yes, father," you gracefully bowed to the two men, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gouken and," you stood from your bow and shot a faint smile to the man with the hair like a lion's mane, "Akuma."

The frenzied-haired man kept his serious scowl, while Gouken gave a polite smile, "It's a pleasure for us as well, (name)."

Your father cleared his throat, "Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way...(name), show them to their rooms."

Your face drooped into a monochromatic expression once again, "Yes, father."

You bowed once more, "This way, please."

The two men followed you as you started to make your way, you shuffling ahead with the utmost perfected posture. However, once you were out of your father's line of sight, you quickly slouched and gave a sigh of relief,

"Ugh, standing straight like that really is a pain," you stopped for a moment and turned towards the two men with a coy smile,

"So, are you guys related or something?"

Akuma huffed at your improper etiquette, but obliged to answer your question, "We are brothers."

Your cheeks flushed a bit at the sound of his deep voice, surprisingly deep for a man his age, "Ah, I see," you tilted your head, still keeping your attentions on Akuma, "well, I'm happy to have company for once."

The brooding man growled, obviously annoyed by your stare, "I think I'll just find the room myself," he said before practically stomping past you with an intense aura.

You watched him walk away in a moody pace, but instead of being afraid, you were completely taken with his brash attitude.

"Don't mind him. He's always like that," you heard Gouken say, but you were still too busy staring at Akuma to really notice his reassuring pat on the shoulder.

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