That Just Happened

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"Thanks, dude." I said. "I'll text you later, I guess. See you tomorrow." Then I waved and started to walk out.

I looked down at the little slip of paper that neatly said "Adrian Harrison" and his phone number as I walked down the long hallway. I would have never guessed that he was left handed.

It was a beautiful stroke of luck that my dad works at the hospital that Adrian was staying at.

After I got punched and chewed out by Queen Bitch, I remembered my actual reason for being there. I had no idea where Adrian was being taken but I knew my dad's hospital was near so it called my dad and asked him.

"Hey dad. Uh, my friend got a concussion and he was being taken to a hospital and I don't know which one and I thought it might be yours. Was an Adrian Harrison checked in earlier?" I asked him over the phone.

"Uh, let me check." He replied.

There was an agonizing pause. Well, the pause was about a minute or two long. But if he wasn't there, I would be so screwed!!!

He had to be there!! I needed to see him!!

To talk about the biology project, of course. I think.

I heard a few clicks of the mouse then my dad said,

"Yeah he's here. Why do you ask."

Because I think I kinda like him... A lot.

"He and I were partnered up for a biology project and he got a concussion and we need to get started on it." I said

And I also want to see his pretty face.

"Yeah okay. I think I got some time, be out by the front of the school and I'll come get you." He said.

"Cool. Thanks dad."

"Sure thing, sweetie."

I walked through the school, thinking about how this meeting would go down.

Oh, my gosh. This wait is taking FOREVER!!! When is dad getting here!? Well, it might take him a little while. The hospital is like 10 minutes away.

Now that I think about it, I have never really interacted with Adrian at all. And if I did, it was engaged by Adrian.

The first time was when he first got here and when he smirked and winked and practically sort of seduced me on the first day of school. I still don't believe that happened.

Then after that when I was showing him around school, instead of walking around school and showing him around we kind of got to know each other.

I found out that he has 4 brothers, has had 2 stepmothers (harsh stuff), has 2 huskies (I love huskies) named Tiberius and Dragon, he had broken 5 bones (both clavicles, wrist, shin, and shoulder), plays LOTS of sports and is left handed.

He is actually a fascinating guy. He may look totally arrogant bastard because he is ripped, has had too many girlfriends, puts people on their place like he's parking a car, shows no mercy, back talks to everyone and manipulates people as if they are putty (especially teachers and girls) but he has some emotion.

When we were talking about his real mother, he teared up a little bit. I saw a tear fall from his bright, glossy blue eyes, but I knew he would chew me out if I said anything. So I didn't.

His voice cracked a bit, and he had to stop to collect himself.

I wanted to do something to make him feel better but I didn't know how.

"Please. Don't tell anyone about this. Please." He practically begged me not to say anything.

I was taken aback because I would have never expected that he'd actually have any emotions beside bitter hatred for everyone except Salone.

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