I Didn't Think-

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"Shit-" I covered my mouth and saw three bodies piled on each other. Flies were swarming them, getting a perfect meal of a lifetime. "Oh fucking god why!?" I choked out, feeling Laganja place a hand over my shoulder.

"Come on. I think it should be this way, I remember seeing this sign that said so." Laganja walked past the corpses, however, I couldn't bare to look at them. Jinkx followed, and I was stuck still standing at the door with my hands over my eyes.

Mom, please be okay and please get help

I breathed heavily, feeling a hand touch my shoulder. I froze in terror, knowing that it couldn't have been Jinkx or Laganja. They both gasped in sync.

"CRACKER!" Laganja screamed, and I felt the strong hand pull me back and forcefully push me to the floor. I cried out in pain, feeling a rope begin to wrap around me. "LET HER GO YOU FREAK!" Laganja screamed out her lungs and lunged at the person, only to be knocked to the floor with a hard punch. The being craned over me and I cried out in pain, the realisation was too much to handle: Aquaria's mother lost the happy aura she usually carried, and it was replaced with a cold chilling lingering darkness. Her eyes stared into mine and I couldn't look away. I heard Jinkx crying and Laganja was knocked out.  I felt the ropes tighten and I couldn't move.

"Please-" I sobbed, "I don't wanna die! I want to find Aquaria first and tell her I love her! And I need my mother!" I whined and felt a hard cold slam to the side of my head. I screamed and felt it again. She kicked me twice, trying to knock me out. I choked and felt another boot to my face this time, hearing my nose crunch and my two front teeth were burning a horrific pain.


I woke to the sounds of muffled crying. Laganja and Jinkx were tied up as well as I, the ropes so tight that my stomach was crushed and I think a few of my ribs were broken.  I had a mouth gag on, and it tasted like vomit.

Don't throw up, Cracker. Be strong, you can do this.

I saw two blurred figures standing up, a metal hospital table was next to them. I felt my breathing intensify.

"Cracker-" I heard a familiar voice call to me.

I gasped and my eyes widened at the sight of Aquaria leaning over me.

"My mother is letting me tell you some final words before we start." Aquaria's eyes sparkled with tears. "I fucking love you so much." Aquaria cupped my chin and kissed me through the gag. "Please don't take this personally."

It was that moment that gave me no hope or reason to try and escape. If I was to escape, I may be able to see my mother, but my life without Aquaria would be torture in itself. I whined and cried out the last of my tears. I saw her mother walk up to me with a pair of giant scissors. I screamed and squirmed, feeling a hand pull my hair back violently, forcing me to stare at her straight into her bleached eyes. She put the scissors to my hair and I heard a harsh snip and strands of hair tickle my back. I cried and tried to shake her hand off but she cut another chunk of my hair out. I closed my eyes and braced myself for a long endless life of torture, considering that is what happened to the other people here. And I think what is worse, is that Aquaria just stood there blankly, crying but not making eye contact, and I grew so close. I always make friends with the wrong people. I saw that Jinkx was now awake, she simply sat in silence with a blank expression, like she just had flashbacks to a war. Laganja was still out however. Aquaria's mother let go and placed the blade to my neck. I only breathed and braced for the end, but thankfully, that was only taunting, she cut down my shirt and pulled it open.

"Mom..." I saw Aquaria's face darken. Her mother grinned a satanic and foul grin, baring her blades that were supposed to be teeth. She pushed the blade into my skin and dragged it slowly in a circular motion. All I could do to express the pain was scream and scream, hoping I could just pass out. I felt a warm river of blood trickle down my chest and to my stomach. She pulled the blade away momentarily before pushing it in again, drawing what feels to be some sort of star. I trembled and noticed how it was a pentagram. She carved a pentagram into my flesh. She stood up and threw the scissors to the floor, I saw Aquaria eyes wide with trauma. Her eyes sparkled again, and with a swift motion she wrapped her arms around her mother and pulled her to the floor, pinning her down and straddling her. She grasped the scissors and plunged them into her mother's skull repeatedly. She screamed and blood spattered over her tearstained face and all over her gown she still wore. "FUCKING DIE!" She screamed with a growl, still stabbing Sharon's face with all her strength and anger she had. She stopped and took deep low breaths, letting go of the scissors. I almost threw up again; the sight of her mutilated face was stomach wrenching. "Oh God!" She whined, "Why did this happen!!?" She leaned down and sobbed into her chest, "Come back!" Aquaria drowned herself in sorrow. "I didn't think-- it would be like this." She breathed, her chin dripping in crimson red.

✩☠ Distorted Thoughts | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now